On April 1 and 2, thirty-two Disaster Response Committee members and Early Response Team (ERT) leaders joined us in Goldsboro for a training retreat. Throughout the weekend, attendees learned about Disaster Ministries operations and received training to help prepare teams to respond to a disaster.

The event commenced with an introduction from Disaster Ministries Director Al Miller and NC Conference Disaster Response Coordinator Ann Huffman, followed by a devotional led by Rev. Dusty Sprouse. Butch Huffman led Early Response Team Training and Recertification in the Friday afternoon session, and Bryant Dodson led advanced ERT classes: Site Assessment and On-site Management. Following the session, the attendees gathered at MERCI for dinner provided by Wally Mills and the NC Conference United Methodist Men. Later Friday evening, Rev. Shawn Mitchell led an Emotional and Spiritual Care course.

Saturday morning, the participants attended Basic ERT training or a course on Chainsaw Safety, led by Cullen Whitley. After the morning session, participants had an opportunity to hear from Chris Baker, FEMA Region IV CEM, about FEMA’s recovery program. Everyone reconvened at MERCI for lunch provided by St. Luke UMC before the afternoon session. Some participants attended Connecting Neighbors training to prepare their church and community for a disaster while others learned about mold spray trailers and how to tarp a roof.

Thank you to our Disaster Ministries Staff, trainers, Wally Mills, NC Conference United Methodist Men, Chris Baker, St. Luke UMC, Goldsboro Holiday Inn Express staff, and all attendees for making this event possible and a great success. To learn more about training opportunities or how to join an Early Response Team, visit our training page or contact 888-440-9167.