+ Financial gifts are one of the best and quickest ways to help churches and families after a disaster.
+ Churches are urged to invite offerings continually, given the scope of the disaster.
+ Churches may decide to receive donations to support needs in their community or across the conference.
+ Donations can be sent to NC Conference Disaster Response efforts online or by mail.
+ Make checks out to NC Conference, marking “NC Storm Response” in the memo line, and mail them to Conference Treasurer – Raleigh Area, P.O. Box 890202, Charlotte, NC 28289-0202.
+ Direct questions on gifts with special or unusual conditions to the Conference Treasurer’s Office at treasurer@nccumc.org.
+ If disaster donations are kept locally for relief, proper procedures must be in place.
+ Donations must be used following the intent of the donor and only for that purpose.
+ The local church Finance Committee or Trustees has oversight of gifts received and expended according to the local church’s gift acceptance policy. Local churches may elect to have a committee approve disaster-related expenses or may direct a person to approve them within certain guidelines.
+ A pastor’s discretionary fund for disaster response must be monitored with care, including thorough documentation to insure accountability and transparency.
+ Integrity, accountability, and transparency help build donor trust and encourage generosity.