We are pleased to share with you that Rev. Jarrod Davis has been appointed to the newly created position of Creation Ministries Coordinator for both the North Carolina and the Western NC Conferences in a joint effort to enhance the Creation Care Ministry programs. Read Jarrod’s bio below.

Rev. Jarrod Davis
Jarrod has been a pastor in the NC Conference of the UMC since 2012, and has chaired the NCC Creation Care Committee since 2020. In his time in ministry, Jarrod has been involved in sustainable food production ministries, including founding Selah Community Garden in Sanford and organizing the first Church Garden Network. Through the Conference’s Creation Care Committee, Jarrod has organized and led many events and trainings, including their annual Redeeming Creation conference and the Season of Creation. He has also developed and led Bible studies on what it means for Christians to be a part of God’s creation.
Jarrod originally comes from Wayne County, and regularly returns to the family farm there (one of the oldest continuously family run farms in the state). When not working in ministry, he loves to be busy outside and working with his hands. He and his wife, Jessica, have been married since 2011 and are raising two beautiful, smart and musical daughters, Castine and Lucyanne.