The Open Table Model is a reflection of the human potential of
every person. Through relationship and accessing social networks,
a group of trained volunteers empowers an individual or family
with complex challenges to implement their plans to develop
the better lives they envision for themselves and their children.
Using the Open Table Model to Serve
Transitional Age Youth (TAY)
Transition to adulthood is a complex task for almost all young
people. This same transition to adulthood becomes even more
difficult for youth transitioning from foster care. The majority of
these youth are faced with homelessness, addiction, incarceration,
unemployment, physical and mental health concerns, as well as
isolation, loneliness, and vulnerability to human trafficking.
Relational poverty is one of the most daunting challenges faced by
youth aging out of foster care. A poverty of relationships can
diminish their human potential and hope for a bright future.
Relational permanency and its durable, empowering life-long
connections for TAY through the Open Table Core Model are
created by three elements: Relationship, Reconciliation and
Please email info@theopentable.org
for more information.
Open Table, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
What Is a Table?
Volunteers are trained to form a “Table” and develop
long-term relationships with the “Friend” — the
individual or family they are serving. Guided by a
Life Plan defined by the Friend, Table members and
the friend access their social networks to support
implementation of the Life Plan. Tables range
from five to six volunteers based on needs
and number of family members. Over the course of
a year, Tables meet weekly for an hour and share
friendship and activities outside of Table
meetings. At the end of twelve months, Tables
form an “After Plan” that defines the ongoing,
supportive relationships developed through the
Flyers available at Annual Conference at the Church and Society display table.