Covid-19 vaccines are low risk with high benefits. Love your neighbor, your family, your friends, and yourself.
Stay well and healthy! Get your vaccine when it’s your turn! *If you have severe allergies, if you are pregnant, or have any other major health concerns, consult with your doctor before taking the vaccine. Vaccines are only for people 16 years or older.

The attached report from WRAL will give you information about where you can get a vaccine in your county. Remember to continue to follow the three W’s! Wear your mask! Wash your hands! And Wait ~ six feet from people who do not live in your household.
We all want to get back to some form of normalcy. We mourn the loss of so many lives and we pray for all those who are struggling as a result of this virus. The sooner we all get vaccinated, the better for the health and welfare of everyone!
Love one another as Jesus, the great physician loves you!