We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of August.
NC Conference
- Clergy from the NC and Western NC Conferences attended the Convocation on the Rural Church. View photos and an article about the event.
- Bishop Shelton called a virtual Special Session of the NC Annual Conference on Saturday, October 7 at 10 am. Read the full announcement.
- The NC Conference announced several staff changes to enhance collaboration and propel the conference toward a dynamic future.
- Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton’s ruling and the original brief from Rev. Paul Stallsworth were published on the Episcopal Rulings page. Read the full announcement.
District Office
- Charge Conference Forms opened in the Online Data Collection System on August 1.
Center for Leadership Excellence
- Meet the faculty for Leadership Fellows retreats. Applications are open through September 19.
- The Center for Leadership Excellence hosted a four-part Disability Ministries webinar series.
Laity Ministries
Media Center
New Faith Communities
- Church planters gathered at the NC Conference building on August 2 for an Orientation and Covenant Renewal Day.
Office of Clergy Life
- The Office of Clergy Life celebrates the significant contributions of Rev. Heidi Seifert. We wish her well as she begins a new expression of her ministry as the Administrative Assistant to the District Superintendents of the Corridor & Heritage Districts. Following Heidi, Mrs. Becki Leeland will join the Office of Clergy Life in early September. Becki brings skills in office administration, community outreach, and event planning, as well as familiarity with The United Methodist Church. As a part of this change, for help or questions related to the Office of Clergy Life, please contact clergylife@nccumc.org.
Outreach Ministry
- Congregations for Children shared ways your church can advocate for public schools.
- The Health Team shared updates on Medicaid Expansion and COVID-19.
- The 2023 Key Taylor Award was presented to Oriental UMC on August 12.
- Congregations for Children announced mini-grants to help churches fund initiatives to provide after-school literacy and tutoring programs for elementary students. Applications are due September 22.
- Creation Care shared updates on Farm Bill Advocacy in North Carolina and upcoming events.
- Disaster Ministries shared updates on Tropical Storm Idalia and preparation resources for hurricane season.
Youth Ministries