We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of April.
NC Conference
- Episode 7 of “Grace for the Future” was released. The episode features Bishop Fairley, Rev. Jaye White, and Rev. Jim Savage.
- Clergy and laity across the Conference joined together to present a reading of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic 1967 speech, titled “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.” Watch the video in the NC Conference app or on our website.
- The Health Team Committee shared two updates from their conversations with Disaster Medicine expert, Dr. Wes Wallace. Visit the Coronavirus Response page for more information.
- The Conference hosted a Bishop’s Day Apart on April 12. Watch the recording on our website or in the NC Conference app.
- Bishop Fairley shared a message for Easter Sunday. Read the daily Lenten Reflections on the March #BeUMC focus theme, Faithful.
- The #BeUMC focus theme for April was Jesus-seeking. Learn more about the campaign, watch new video testimonials, and share A Prayer for the Jesus-seeking People of God.
- Bishop Fairley and Conference Lay Leader, John Hall share a message of thanks to clergy and laity for their faithfulness, courage, and resiliency.
Annual Conference
- View updates on hotels, ECU lodging, AC Kids, and the agenda on the AC 2022 website.
Center for Leadership Excellence
- The first session of the Moral Leadership in Public Life seminar with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove was held on April 26.
- Recordings for four past events, previously accessible only to registrants and those who purchased access, were released. Visit the Center for Leadership Excellence event archive to watch other event recordings.
Connectional Ministries
- View updates from the Conference Connectional Table Quarter 2 meeting.
Media Center
Office of Clergy Life
- The Office of Clergy Life is partnering with the Cabinet and Connectional Ministries Staff to offer an Accelerated Integration Session this summer for Clergy & Congregations having a change in pastoral leadership.
- April launched the training of Facilitators who will support those choosing to participate in this new initiative. The Session is designed to lead a collective discernment, moving Christ-centered leaders towards God’s preferred future. More details will be coming at the May 15th Transition Seminar.
Outreach Ministry
- Applications for Congregations for Children’s summer literacy program grant opened.
- Creation Care hosted a Redeeming Creation Conference on April 23.
- Disaster Ministries hosted a two-day training retreat at MERCI for 32 Disaster Response Committee members and Early Response Team leaders.
- Disaster Ministries shared ways to help support disaster response efforts in the Kentucky, Louisiana, and Western NC Conferences. Learn more about how you can help.
- The Healthy Ministry Team has designed an online check-in form for 2021 grant recipients.
- The Mission Team has voted on and approved the remaining 2022 Mission Seed Fund recipients.
Race, Equity, and Justice Ministries
- The Refugee & Immigration Committee is streamlining the process for individuals and organizations who wish to apply for funding. Learn how churches can request monetary assistance to assist refugees and immigrants.
Treasurer’s Office
- Applications for the “One Who is Loved” endowment opened. The application deadline is May 31, 2022.
Youth Ministries
- Youth Ministries held a planning meeting for NCCUMC Youth Week and announced the event theme, “Salts of the Earth.”