Course Dates: January 9 – March 6, 2023 What does it mean to be Methodist? In a series of half-hour videos from leading Methodist scholars, Justo Gonzalez leads students through an exploration […]
El Corazón Ardiente for Renewing Doctrine, Worship, and Mission (Center for Leadership Excellence)
“I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a […]
How the Church Can Bring Together a Divided Culture
We are all aware of the divisions among people in our churches, in our communities, and in our country. Christians are called to be peacemakers and repairers of the breach […]
Resources for the Generous People of God #BeUMC
We offer our gifts and resources to serve those in need, both near and far. United Methodists cultivate a generosity of spirit, time, and resources. During Advent, we respond to God’s most generous gift of all, Jesus.
The NC Conference Media Center offers resources on generosity for church leaders, small groups, and children – for the Advent season and throughout the year.
Resources for the Diverse People of God #BeUMC
Though one body, we continue to celebrate individuality and cultural identity.
What Now? What Next? A Conversation with Will Willimon about Methodist Hope (Amplify)
What’s next for us? What does it look like for a Methodist leader (or congregation) to respond to God’s call now? What biblical texts, stories from our past, and core […]