$ Twelve Secrets for a Top-Notch Church Website (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 10 – August 11, 2023 It’s easy to take websites for granted, but the best church websites connect and inform congregations as well as presenting the church’s best face to the community. This course is designed for clergy and lay persons who want their websites to be effective, attractive, and relevant for internal […]


$ Life Together in the United Methodist Connection (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 10 – 28, 2023 What will happen at General Conference 2024? What is happening in the United Methodist connection now, and with the new Global Methodist Church? This session of the official U.M.C. polity course will include structural realities and principles affecting our annual conferences and local churches right now and in […]


$ Caring With Compassion: First Responders and Their Families (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 10 – August 26, 2023 First responders and their families need support and advocates in local communities, and this course is designed to guide clergy as they learn how to provide this encouragement.  First responders have long felt that showing emotion would lead to a perception of weakness. But the situations first […]


$ Journaling with Your Camera (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 10 – August 4, 2023 Do you enjoy recording images with your camera? Have you ever thought of combining the visual aspect of photography with journaling? This class taught by Val Isenhower, photographer and ordained minister, is an experiential class combining the spiritual practice of journaling with the spiritual practice of photography. […]


$ Twelve Secrets for a Top-Notch Church Website (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 10 – August 11, 2023 It’s easy to take websites for granted, but the best church websites connect and inform congregations as well as presenting the church’s best face to the community. This course is designed for clergy and lay persons who want their websites to be effective, attractive, and relevant for internal […]


$ Let Them Come to Me: Children in Worship (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 10 – 29, 2023 The value of generations worshiping together is becoming more clear. This course will explore the place of children in congregational worship and offer practical suggestions for successfully including children in the worshiping community as well as teaching children about the elements of worship.  Learners are required to obtain this […]


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 10 – 28, 2023 The history, heritage, beliefs, mission and culture of the United Methodist Church for anyone – newcomer or longtime member – who wants to know what’s distinctive about being a United Methodist Christian. We’ll explore the special gifts of theology and witness that the Wesleyan tradition brings to the […]


$ Fractured Ground: A Book Study Exploring Mass Trauma (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 24 – August 4, 2023 News just broke–a catastrophic event has occurred in your community. What do you say to your church as a pastor? A community leader? A lay servant or lay speaker? As a CLM? What is the message when violence, natural disaster, or disease raises questions about where God […]


$ When Do I Get My Reward? (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 31 – September 11, 2023 Many Christians believe they need to live perfect lives in order to earn their future rewards (whatever they consider those to be) and to get into heaven. Does that sound right to you? Do you ever ask yourself, “What is the purpose of living a good life […]


$ Ministering to At-Risk Children Through Mentoring (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 31 – August 14, 2023 Children living in poverty grow up at high risk for passing that lifestyle on to their own children but a meaningful mentor program can be an effective tool in breaking that cycle. This course discusses the development of a missional mentor/mentee program, beginning by exploring how to choose participants in such a program. Terms and goals will be defined, including […]


$ Transforming the One Room Sunday School Classroom (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: July 31 – August 19, 2023 Are you struggling with reaching all the kids in your class? Do some kids thrive while others disrupt? Are there students of multiple ages trying to learn the same material? Do those with learning differences get lost in the background?   If so, you likely find the cookie-cutter […]


$ Who Is Holy Spirit? (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates:July 31 – August 13, 2023 The Holy Spirit is a divine presence in the lives of believers, keeping them in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ and giving strength and help in time of need. This course will examine Scripture in which God gives instructions concerning the Spirit who intercedes for His people. The goal is a closer […]
