First Aid for Mental Health (Wespath)


First aid training for mental health is a two-part live, virtual webinar. Leading the training is Chris White, an international UK government hostage and crisis negotiator and First Aid for […]


Green Church Training (NCC Creation Care)


Is your church looking to become better stewards of God’s creation? Does the task of becoming a greener church feel overwhelming? Have you registered for the Green Church Initiative but don’t know […]


$ Growing Through Our Grieving (


These are very dear and touching times, during these COVID days, especially for those dealing with personal grief. How timely may this be for us to explore and share about […]


$ Come to the Table Conference (RAFI-USA)


The Come to the Table Conference is hosted by the Come to the Table Program of the Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI-USA). Under the leadership direction of Executive Director Edna […]

$30 – $40