Join us for an enlightening and inspiring webinar hosted by Creation Justice Ministries, featuring a captivating conversation between children's book authors Amy Houts and Betsy Painter. In this engaging dialogue, […]
July 2023 was the hottest month recorded in global history, yet it seems this is just the beginning. What can we do to make our communities more heat resilient? How […]
Talking about Palestine with our friends and family can be difficult for many of us. In this webinar, we will hear from a diverse panel of professionals - Christian, Muslim, […]
If the creative juices just aren't flowing like they used to, Mitch Marcello will teach you proven techniques that will bring new energy into your day-to-day life, your ministry teams […]
Join Denise Smartt Sears and AC COSROWs from across the connection for an opportunity to connect, learn, and share within the COSROW community. These virtual gatherings offer networking, resource sharing, […]
The Conference Treasurer’s Office will host a lunchtime Zoom meeting on Thursday, September 14, 2023, from 12:00-1:00 pm to discuss upcoming local church property insurance renewals and trends impacting local […]
If you see needs in your community that small businesses can help with, let Hugh Halter teach you about his approach to incubating businesses and starting new faith communities at […]
Ask adult disciples in your church how they first learned about being generous, and odds are they will mention watching their parents filling an offering envelope or putting money in […]
About the Course: Why does The United Methodist Church do things the way it does? And what does any of this have to do with trying to be a place […]
Course Dates: September 18 – 29, 2023 Would a Bible-based play liven up your worship time during the Advent/Christmas season? Would the production include all ages and ability levels? This […]
Course Dates: September 18 – November 10, 2023 Is the beloved community local, national, global, or universal? What kind of love is required for the beloved community? Is such a community only […]
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NC Conference of
The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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