The Criminalization of Black Youth (United Women in Faith)


Join us for a powerful conversation with Professor Kristin Henning on the juvenile justice system, the criminalization of Black youth and interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. About Professor Henning: Kristin Henning […]


$ Turning Your Church Inside Out (


As a child, we were taught that the church was the building. While we intellectually understand that the church is the people, a congregation often makes decisions that lead us […]


Prepare for the Celebration of Advent (Amplify)


Advent is a time of waiting, preparation, and celebration. In this webinar, Amplify Media presents two new studies to help you, your small group, and your congregation prepare to celebrate […]


Missional Alignment (Strengthening the Black Church)


Missional alignment challenges us to refocus on the Great Commandment.This webinar will invite you to perform a self-assessment relating to your alignment with God, and why the church exists. You […]


$ TheoEd (Candler School of Theology)


Emory University's Candler School of Theology and First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta invite you to attend TheoEd Atlanta! Five incredible speakers will deliver short, TED-style talks on spirituality and the […]
