Designed for laity, this online course equips participants to understand the need for Safe Sanctuaries in every congregation. Participants will gain a better understanding of what Safe Sanctuaries means to them, their churches, and those they are protecting.
Every United Methodist congregation is required to have a Safe Sanctuaries policy. But Safe Sanctuaries is more than just a policy. It’s a way of doing ministry. Join us for this course and become an advocate for Safe Sanctuaries in your congregation!
While this course does not count as an “advanced Lay Servant Ministries course” for those seeking to renew or certify in Lay Servant Ministries, it is a required course for all those preparing to become certified lay ministers.
Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
Suzanne was appointed in 2015 to serve are the pastor of Fletcher’s Chapel UMC. She also serves as the Conference Council on Youth Ministries for the N.C. Conference. She is married to Jimmy Cobb and they have three grown sons, two daughters-in-law, a very special girlfriend, and two beautiful granddaughters as part of their family.
Suzanne has been in ministry most of her adult life. Her first vocation was Special Education, became involved in youth ministry in her early twenties and followed her call to ordained ministry in 1996. She graduated from Barton College with a B.S. in Education of Hearing Impaired; Duke Divinity School with a Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in Christian Education; Hood Theological Seminary with a Doctorate in Ministry.
Suzanne loves what she does and prays every day that it shows.