Rev. Bill Haddock will be leading a mission team to Liberia May 1-13, 2023. The purpose of the trip is to enhance the partnership which the NC Annual Conference of the UMC has with Ganta Mission Station. The Ganta Mission Station has a hospital, a nursing school, a church, schools, a leprosarium, and a large amount of acreage used for agricultural purposes. The team will stay at Ganta Mission Station for most of the time and will work with local pig farmers to construct an abattoir so that their pigs can be prepared for market. The Conference will be shipping a walk-in cooler which we will construct and a trailer which will be equipped with cooling equipment. All participants will be required to purchase round-trip flights to Liberia from RDU (participants will be given the appropriate flight numbers). Housing and food will be provided by the Liberian hosts for about $300 per person for the two weeks that the team will be in Liberia. Team members will also be asked to contribute $200 per person towards the construction project. There will be some day trips to other places of mission so that team members can understand and appreciate the impact the UMC is making in Liberia. Prospective team members should contact Bill Haddock at 910.262.3831 or by email at
Help Our Armenian Neighbors
If you get the Project Agape newsletter, you know that the Armenian Christians of Artsakh continue to be persecuted. Azerbaijan forces (Azeri) invaded Artsakh, destroying everything that Project AGAPE had helped build: the distribution center, the school, and the hospital, and the homes. The country was divided in two, and our friends fled south.
The Azeri have now blocked all the roads into the former capital, Stepanakirk. Much needed supplies cannot be delivered.
This is the 50th day of the siege. Nara Melkonyan, Country Director and missionary, reports that the shelves are bare, groceries and medicine are non-existent, and the elderly and children are starving.
Nara asks that we telephone Stephanie Power, USAID Administrator (202)712-4300 or to airlift emergency US humanitarian aid NOW.
— Publicly pressure Azerbaijan to lift its blockade of Artsakh
— Send emergency humanitarian assistance to Artsakh
— Stop all U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan
Please call and then send this message to your friends
2023 IRS Standard Mileage Rates
On December 29, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service issued the 2023 standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2023, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups, or panel trucks) will be:
- 65.5 cents per mile for business miles driven
- 22 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes
- 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations
These rates apply to electric and hybrid-electric automobiles, as well as gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.
For more information, see IRS news release IR-2022-234.
Lenten Devotions Begin Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is Feb. 22. As you look forward to the Lenten season, the conference will offer a series of Lenten devotions celebrating the theme of Graceful Hospitality present in our congregations and at the communion table.
2023 marks the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Ten Dollar Club, also known as the New Room Society, which has helped to build numerous churches across our conference. During Lent, we will celebrate the legacy of Bishop Garber and the ongoing co-creation of new places for new people to gather into communion with Jesus Christ.
Because of the extravagant grace and welcome God has extended to us, we gratefully extend graceful hospitality, unconditional love and welcome to everyone we engage. This is our intention in the year 2023. Prepare your heart and spirit to receive these devotions during this holy season of Lent, beginning Feb. 22.
#BeUMC in 2023
The #BeUMC campaign reminds us of who we are at our best. As people of God called The United Methodist Church, we’re faithful followers of Jesus seeking to make the world a better place.
In 2022, we focused on monthly themes related to being United Methodist. We continue to #BeUMC in 2023 with four quarterly themes and adjoining resources. The themes are Grace-Filled (Q1), Welcoming (Q2), Grounded in Scripture (Q3), and Christ-Centered (Q4).
Using the annual plan of quarterly themes gives congregations time to plan, organize, and implement programming around the messages. There are videos and resources from the Conference Media Center to assist churches in highlighting and focusing on what it means to #BeUMC.
View the quarterly focus document and more resources on our #BeUMC page.
Graceful Hospitality
As we focus this year on Graceful Hospitality, Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton shares her hopes and dreams for the NC Conference and The United Methodist Church, which include fervent prayer, rebuilding trust, and keeping our eyes on the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Don’t forget: you can meet and get to know Bishop Shelton during the District Gatherings.
Pray As You Go
Bishop Shelton calls us to commit to a faithful, intentional prayer life this year, using Pray As You Go.
Let us know you’re joining us in daily prayer by completing our commitment form→
Bishop Shelton’s Backstory
Bishop Shelton shares her backstory with us – events and encounters in her life that have shaped her spiritual life.