Have you heard about the Green Church Initiative? What does it mean to be a good steward of creation? Do you care about God’s good gift of creation and do you want to align your church practices with sustainable and eco-friendly practices?
The Green Church Initiative has lots of ideas about how to preserve and protect this gift that supports all life on this planet we call home. As we see more and more climate disasters and pay attention to the effects of poor earth keeping practices, especially on the poor and marginalized (you know, the people Jesus cared so much about!), we know that as people of faith, we are called to do what we can to nurture this gift of creation.

The NC Conference Creation Care Team is here to help! Join us in this essential ministry!
Click here for more information: https://nccumc.org/creation/green-church-initiative/
And don’t forget to register and watch the Season of Creation webinars, which are chocked full of valuable information from a faith perspective!