The recent earthquake in Haiti has weighed heavily on our hearts, first for the tragic loss of life and the devastating impact on a country that has suffered so much. But we also remember the horrific Haiti earthquake of 2010 when we lost one of our own beloved clergy members, the Rev. Dr. Sam Dixon.
First United Methodist Church, Roanoke Rapids, Sam Dixon’s final local church appointment, made a gift of $25,000 to the United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR) in his memory. UMCOR, a unit of the General Board of Global Ministries, will match Roanoke Rapids’ memorial gift from other sources. The Rev. Dr. Tracy C. Sexton is the current pastor and Cindy Dixon, Sam’s wife, is a member of the church. What a great a witness and testimony to the eternal love of Christ! We are thankful for this opportunity to assist our neighbors in Haiti, while honoring the memory of our brother, Sam.
For a matching gift, make a note, or mention Rev. Dr. Sam Dixon, while supporting UMCOR’s response to the present disasters in Haiti.
Checks may be given to your local church, made to Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery, or online at https://umcmission.org/advance-project/982450; or send checks to Global Ministries/UMCOR, P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY 10087-9068, with Advance #982450 on the memo line; toll-free phone, via credit card: 6174.-252-888
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