NFC Quarterly Dashboard Name*Please enter your preferred name. First Last Email*Please enter a valid email address. Enter Email Confirm Email Church*What is your current appointment? Welcoming New People :: Plan and GoalsWhat are your annual, quarterly, and monthly goals for welcoming new people to gather into communion with Jesus Christ? How is your congregation reaching out into the community to invite new people to invite new people, develop new relationships, and help new guests feel welcome in new places for liturgical worship, relational discipleship, holistic mission, and servant leadership? Please include Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals and who is responsible for the activities related to each goal. Welcoming New People :: New RelationshipsTell us about new friendships or relationships you have cultivated within the community and why this has been important to you and/or your congregation?Welcoming New People :: Self-EvaluationEvaluate your current progress toward reaching the goals named above. Way behindA little behindRight on scheduleA little aheadWay aheadIf you are ahead or behind, please share why?* Relational Discipleship :: Plans and GoalsWhat are your annual, quarterly, and monthly goals for strengthening existing relational discipleship groups, increasing the number of participants in relational discipleship groups, and helping those in group life to grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus? Please include Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals and who is responsible for the activities related to each goal. Relational Discipleship :: Active Groups/ Participants*How many relational discipleship groups are actively gathering? What is their method of gathering? How many unique people are in relational discipleship groups? (only count a person one time, even if they are participating in multiple groups)Relational Discipleship :: Self – EvaluationEvaluate your current progress toward reaching the goals named above. Way behindA little behindRight on scheduleA little aheadWay aheadIf you are ahead or behind, please share why?* Liturgical Worship :: Plan and Goals*What are your annual, quarterly, and monthly goals for strengthening your present worship offerings, increasing the number of participants in liturgical worship, and helping those participating in worship to grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus? Please include Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals and who is responsible for the activities related to each goal. Liturgical Worship :: Average Attendance/ Engagement*What is your average weekly worship attendance (please distinguish between number of adults and children)? How are laity involved in planning, leading, and serving in worship? Liturgical Worship :: Self EvaluationEvaluate your current progress toward reaching the goals named above: Way behindA little behindRight on scheduleA little aheadWay aheadIf you are ahead or behind, please share why?* Holistic Mission :: Plan and Goals*What are your annual, quarterly, and monthly goals for strengthening your engagement with your community as a missional partner? What are your plans and goals for strengthening existing missional partnerships, increasing the number of participants in holistic mission, and helping those participating in holistic mission to grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus? How is your missional engagement supporting the transformation of the world through the power and presence of Christ? Please include Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals and who is responsible for the activities related to each goal. Holistic Mission :: Primary Community Partners / Engagement*Who are your congregation’s primary community partners with whom you are on mission in your community? How is your congregation engaging in holistic mission with your community? How many unique people are engaged as participants in holistic mission with your community? Holistic Mision :: Self EvaluationEvaluate your current progress toward reaching the goals named above: Way behindA little behindRight on scheduleA little aheadWay aheadIf you are ahead or behind, please share why?* Servant Leadership :: Leadership Teams*Who are the people within your church community who you are working alongside in a leadership capacity? (i.e. names of members of your Lead Team, potential or emerging leaders, etc.) Servant Leadership :: Leadership Topics*What has been your top discussion priority during leadership meetings/gatherings over the last quarter? (i.e. which topics have received the most attention?) What plans, goals, and activities have been generated from these meetings and how have they related to welcoming new people, relational discipleship, liturgical worship, holistic mission, servant leadership, and financial sustainability? Servant Leadership :: Health and WellbeingI feel healthy (spiritually, emotionally, relationally, physically) and I am handling the stress and pressure of the job well.Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeServant Leadership :: Health and Wellbeing*Please share anything you would like the larger NFC team to know as it relates to the health and well-being of the church planter or congregational leadership team (please share confidential updates which you would not like to be made available to the larger team directly with your DS or the Ex. Dir. of New Faith Communities). Financial Sustainability :: Plan and Goals*What are your annual, quarterly, and monthly goals for strengthening your congregation as it moves toward financial sustainability? Please include Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals and who is responsible for the activities related to each goal. Financial Sustainability :: Budget and Giving*Please share your current annual budget, current number of families and individuals who have made financial contributions to the congregation this year, and the total gifts received this year? Include other alternative revenue sources and total revenue received this year to date. Financial Sustainability :: Upload a financial statementMax. file size: 49 MB.Financial Sustainablity :: Self EvaluationEvaluate your current progress toward reaching the goals named above: Way behindA little behindRight on scheduleA little aheadWay aheadIf you are ahead or behind, please share why?* Closing*Anything else you would like to share What is today's date.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.