God’s Stirring
The notes app on my phone is filled with partially written notes to myself about ideas, big questions, goals, or dreams that I jotted down between meetings or while out on a walk. Some of these thoughts seemed significant when I wrote them, but now, looking back, they feel nonsensical. Others I still ponder, wrestle with, and dream about to this day.
This month, we’re celebrating both the chartering of Village Church Rolesville and an inspiring Common Learning Day centered on the Fresh Expressions Movement. As I sat in both rooms, I found myself wondering how much of starting Village Church Rolesville or launching these Fresh Expressions originated from half-written notes about ideas or dreams that came as a fleeting thought. As you read Leah and Tyler’s reflections, I encourage you to consider your own half-written dreams or ideas. Where might God be stirring within you to co-create new spaces for new people to gather into communion with Jesus Christ?