House Church Webinar (Fresh Expressions)


You can have inspirational preaching, dynamic music in a beautiful space, and still only reach a fraction of your community.In this free webinar, you’ll hear from seasoned pastor, Lora Gravatt who is in the trenches with you, and let’s discover together:Why families are finding it hard to come back to churchWhat families need from the […]


Why We Need A New Kind of (Rural) Church (Fresh Expressions)


Small towns were once at the heart of North American life, and churches were at the heart of small towns.However, massive cultural shifts are changing rural life.This webinar will help you understand how small towns have changed and introduce you to a new approach for rural congregations.This webinar is free and perfect for church leaders […]


$ Dinner Church School Of Leadership (Fresh Expressions)


The Dinner Church movement is growing across the West. With traditional approaches becoming less and less effective in reaching secular populations, leaders are now reaching out for different sociologies of “doing church”. Interestingly, rebirthing a common ecclesial form from the Apostolic Era is proving to be highly effective again in creating great commission environments for […]

$1825 – $3550

$ Visioncasting for Transformation: Exploring Real Stories of Congregational Renewal (Fresh Expressions)


The Church is God's method for spreading the good news of Jesus, connecting people in community and helping the hurting in our community. Today's congregations struggle to involve their members and engage their neighborhoods. How do you inspire your congregation to try new things and reach new people? Normal churches, led by regular pastors are […]
