$ Rural Revival: Making New Disciples in Small Town North America (Fresh Expressions)


Across North America, urban centers are growing, creating new challenges and opportunities for rural cities and towns. Rural churches, once a centerpiece of small town life, need new tools for loving their neighbors, sharing the gospel and connecting in community. In this Resilient Church Academy track, Michael Beck and Tyler Kleeberger will share their experience […]


$ Your First Dinner Church: Ste-by-Step Recipe for Starting a Table-Centric Gathering (Fresh Expressions)


Any congregation can start a Dinner Church, but it is easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged when trying something new. Congregations that successfully launch and maintain a Dinner Churches often face similar roadblocks. In this Resilient Church Academy Track, you'll learn basic steps you need to help your congregation understand, launch and grow a new […]


$ Church @ Play: How Your Passions, Curiosities and Hobbies Can Help Start Fresh Expressions of Church (Fresh Expressions)


What does your neighborhood and your congregation have in common? Both are full of people who dedicate tremendous energy to passions and hobbies. In this Resilient Church Academy track, you will learn a process for helping people reimagine the fun activities they do in their free time as a starting point for launching a Fresh […]


$ Vision-Casting Essentials: How to Inspire Congregations to Try New Things (Fresh Expressions)


Most congregations have struggled to reengage their participants since the COVID-19 pandemic. While leading change is difficult, there are tried and true practices which will help any leader cast a new vision for what their church can be. In this Resilient Church Academy track, you will learn straightforward methods for using weekend gatherings, digital media […]


$ Praying for Transformation: How Liturgy and Intercession Fuel Change and Shape Mission (Fresh Expressions)


The Church is God's method for spreading the good news of Jesus, connecting people in community and helping the hurting in our community. Today's congregations struggle to involve their members and engage their neighborhoods. How do you inspire your congregation to try new things and reach new people? Normal churches, led by regular pastors are […]


Innovating Evangelism for the Latino Community Webinar (Fresh Expressions)


As one of the fastest-growing segments of North America, the Latino Community represents a massive opportunity for evangelism. While traditional Latino churches continue to thrive, there is also a need for innovative approaches to sharing the gospel. In this webinar, you’ll get to know the Latino Community in North America and learn how innovative approaches […]


Evangelismo Innovador Para La Comunidad Latina (Fresh Expressions)


Como uno de los segmentos de más rápido crecimiento de América del Norte, la comunidad Hispana Latina (62.1 millones en 2020) representa una gran oportunidad para el evangelismo. Si bien las iglesias Hispanas Latinas tradicionales continúan prosperando, también existe la necesidad de enfoques innovadores para compartir el evangelio. En este seminario web, conocerá a la […]


$ Congregation-Based Discipleship Cohort (Fresh Expressions)


“Ultimately each church will be evaluated by only one thing. It’s disciples.” (Neil Cole, Ordinary Hero) Yet, local churches struggle to formulate an approach to helping their members grow to look like Jesus and engage in God's mission. What if you could help people grow in their faith, connect deeper to your congregation, and identify […]

$299 – $1499

$ Your Breakthrough Year (Fresh Expressions)


A one-day online workshop that gives individuals new tools for getting unstuck and breaking through the barriers that are holding you back. You had an exciting mission for your life. But somewhere along the way you got stuck, and it's hard to imagine a way out. But with God's help and a new, creative outlook, […]

$79 – $99

$ Leadership Tune-Up: Equipping Your Team for the Mission Ahead (Fresh Expressions)


Is your team ready for the unique challenges and opportunities of 2023? The world has changed dramatically in the last few years, and it can be tough for church teams to embrace the new realities. Leadership Tune-up will help you reconnect with your leadership team while making bold and actionable plans for the year ahead. […]

$199 – $249