Stewardship & Finance: Get a Great Start! (Discipleship Ministries)


We start each year with this webinar focused on the new members of the stewardship team, finance committee, or church council – those looking to get started strong from the first week! Connect your church’s money to its mission and your people’s giving to their discipleship! We’ll be updating the webinar to reflect new realities […]


Belong Webinar Series: Introduction to the Belong Series (Discipleship Ministries)


Join us for this three-part webinar series designed for United Methodist church leaders who are eager to enhance their understanding of the sacraments of baptism and holy communion and the membership vows. This series will equip you with practical tools, deepen your theological insights, and connect you with a community of like-minded leaders committed to revitalizing […]


Belong Webinar Series: Deepening Your Knowledge (Discipleship Ministries)


Join us for this three-part webinar series designed for United Methodist church leaders who are eager to enhance their understanding of the sacraments of baptism and holy communion and the membership vows. This series will equip you with practical tools, deepen your theological insights, and connect you with a community of like-minded leaders committed to revitalizing […]
