Building a Better Budget (Discipleship Ministries)


Most churches have a budget, but too many churches have a budget they’ve inherited. If your church has been in the practice of simply tweaking last year’s budget and hoping there will be enough to do mission and ministry, you’re invited to join us for this helpful webinar, as we explore tools to build a […]


$ Launchpad 2023: Regrouping in the Wake of Disaffiliation (Discipleship Ministries)


The Launchpad course has been around since 2010, equipping hundreds of United Methodist new start leaders. Launchpad does not prescribe a set timeline for planting a new church – but is flexibly adaptable to multiple scenarios, from mergers to parachute drops, to second campuses to groups coming together in the wake of church disaffiliations. Launchpad […]


What Every United Methodist Child Should Know about Generosity (Discipleship Ministries)


Ask adult disciples in your church how they first learned about being generous, and odds are they will mention watching their parents filling an offering envelope or putting money in the offering plate. They may respond about receiving coins or a dollar bill to put in the offering plate of their Sunday School class. Yet […]


Developing a Year-Round Stewardship Strategy (Discipleship Ministries)


Has your church started planning its 2024 Stewardship Strategy?Some are no doubt in the midst of planning and executing an annual campaign right now. It is an important piece, but it is just a piece of what could (and should) be a larger stewardship strategy for your church. Join us as we explore how your […]


$ Harnessing AI for Church Excellence: A Beginner’s Guide for Clergy and Laity (Discipleship Ministries)


Join us for an enlightening two-part webinar series that demystifies Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM) like ChatGPT, tailored specifically for United Methodist Church clergy and laity. Designed for easy understanding, these sessions offer an approachable overview of groundbreaking technologies. Each session will have two available times – 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., […]


Clergy: Stay on Top of Your Taxes 2024 (Discipleship Ministries)


Clergy face some unique challenges when it comes to things like social security payments, estimated tax payments, housing allowances or exclusions, and reimbursed expenses. Your corner tax preparer may not understand the unique situation of clergy, and finding a preparer who does can save you substantially in money and aggravation. Join us as the Rev. […]


Why Aren’t We Talking About Money? (Discipleship Ministries)


Our churches have been through a lot, and if your congregation is struggling financially there are a lot of things we can point to: pandemics, denominational turmoil, uncertain economy, a culture of division and frustration. While we may feel powerless when it comes to these situations, a reality much closer to home is that many […]


$ Harnessing AI for Church Excellence: A Beginner’s Guide for Clergy and Laity (Discipleship Ministries)


Join us for an enlightening two-part webinar series that demystifies Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM) like ChatGPT, tailored specifically for United Methodist Church clergy and laity. Designed for easy understanding, these sessions offer an approachable overview of groundbreaking technologies. Each 90-minute session will begin at 11 a.m. CDT.


Stewardship That Can Save the World (Discipleship Ministries)


The growing climate crisis has forced many congregations to adopt a wider understanding of the word “stewardship.” This wider understanding has proved healthy not just for the creation care movement; it is one more way to show that our stewardship and discipleship are not separate but intertwined. It can also help us move people to […]
