$ Using the Enneagram to Create Healthy Church Cultures (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: November 6 – 17, 2023 The enneagram can give us compassionate insight into our motives, patterns, and gifts as well as those of others. This course is for clergy as well as church leaders – both formal and informal – who are interested in helping their churches find healthier ways to deal with […]


$ Promoting Discipleship Growth in Your Congregation (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: November 6 – 17, 2023 In the Great Commission, Jesus told his followers to ‘go and make disciples,’ yet how many churches are concentrating on that goal today? Added programs, streamed services, and blended music are popular, but are intentional discipleship growth opportunities provided? This course will help you develop intentional discipleship growth. It examines not only the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of what is done, but […]


$ Right Stuff: Advent Workshop (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: November 13 – 17, 2023 How can we “love God” more? What can we give him poor as we are? Let’s work with our minds and hands on new ways to give him our hearts. We will meet in a three-hour Zoom workshop to collaborate, creating worship and devotional items for churches, small groups, and […]


$ Biblical Women, Advent Waiting, and 21st Century Lives (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: November 27 – December 23, 2023 In this course, learners will look at five biblical women through the lens of H.O.P.E. (Honesty, Opportunity, Persistence, and Efficacy), explore active waiting, and find ways to engage more hopefully in the world today.   They’ll see how……Tamar controls her waiting, deceives, and forces honesty from the dishonest!…Hannah […]


$ Taking Back Advent: Moving Toward the Miraculous (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: November 27 – December 21, 2023 “Taking Back Advent” is the perfect way to keep the miracle of Christmas in our days. The course and companion book will help incorporate your own family traditions into suggested activities, and let you savor an intentionally short and easy-to-understand devotional. You will find it convenient to fit […]


$ Invent Event (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: November 27 – December 1, 2023 How can we “love others” more? What can we give them that we haven’t? Let’s work with our minds and hands on some new ways to give them our hearts. We will get together for a three-hour Zoom workshop to collaborate through creative problem-solving and inventing ways […]


$ Closing Conversations: An End-of-Life Care Guide (BeADisciple.com)


Some of the most difficult questions a person will ever face may be centered around the end of life. Discussions of preferences and possibilities may seem to be filled with emotional landmines and possible hurt feelings. “Closing Conversations: An End-of-Life Care Guide” can help with answers to those thorny questions and smooth the process for […]


$ Advent: A Photography Journey (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: December 4 – 22, 2023 Photography is a visual avenue for your devotions during the seasons of Advent & Christmas. The camera offers a new way to see/experience these seasons of hope, peace and light. The images themselves can shed new light on our journey to Bethlehem and beyond. Val Isenhower, experienced teacher […]


$ Introduction to the Enneagram (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 8 – February 2, 2024 In a world full of personality assessments, the Enneagram stands apart for the ways that it not only describes our behavior (and the basis of that behavior) but for the ways it offers practices which can help us live more resourcefully. Join Kathy and Jim Reiter in […]


$ Preaching on Fractured Ground (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 8 – 21, 2024 This course is for those who must preach in the wake of mass trauma. ‘Preaching on Fractured Ground’ is designed to help pastors and other leaders prepare sermons for “holding the reality of brokenness, pain, and traumatic loss on one side and hope, resurrection, and redemption on the […]


$ Transforming the One Room Sunday School Classroom (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 8 – 20, 2024 Are you struggling with reaching all the kids in your class? Do some kids thrive while others disrupt? Are there students of multiple ages trying to learn the same material? Do those with learning differences get lost in the background?   If so, you likely find the cookie-cutter lessons […]


$ When Do I Get My Reward? (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 22 – March 1, 2024 Many Christians believe they need to live perfect lives in order to earn their future rewards (whatever they consider those to be) and to get into heaven. Does that sound right to you? Do you ever ask yourself, “What is the purpose of living a good life […]
