$ Mentoring Young People in Their Faith (BeADisciple.com)


“Being there” for young people means more to them than you know! Youth and young adults people need the examples and experiences of faithful adults to become mature Christians themselves. But it takes more than just casually interacting with a young person to grow their faith. Having a trusted Christian adult mentor to talk with […]


$ Bridging the Gap: Wounded Spirits – Understanding PTSD (BeADisciple.com)


Post-traumatic stress disorder, also called PTSD, is the failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, sexual assault or a traumatic incident. It’s normal to have upsetting memories, feel on edge, or have trouble sleeping after this type of event. PTSD can happen to anyone. […]


$ Devotion to Jesus: The Divinity of Christ in Earliest Christianity (BeADisciple.com)


Dr. Larry Hurtado contends that worship of Jesus was a very early, widespread and radical practice for 1st century believers. A renowned professor at Edinburgh College, Hurtado is an expert in Christian origins. In this course, Hurtado utterly refutes those skeptical scholars that propose that belief in the divinity of Jesus grew incrementally over time. […]


$ Women Mystics in the Christian Tradition (BeADisciple.com)


Are you longing for a deeper spiritual path? Looking for a framework for understanding mystical experiences of women? Or just wanting to learn a little of the history and theology of mystical faith? This two-week course on Women Mystics in the Christian Tradition should help you with all of that.  We’ll start by looking at the […]


$ Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving (BeADisciple.com)


Grief can be a lonely place, and those who care for persons who are grieving often find themselves at a loss. Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving will explore how persons who work with grieving friends or family can guide them to grow during this difficult time. The four-week course will share a book study […]


$ Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving (BeADisciple.com)


Grief can be a lonely place, and those who care for persons who are grieving often find themselves at a loss. Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving will explore how persons who work with grieving friends or family can guide them to grow during this difficult time. The four-week course will share a book study […]


$ Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Advent (BeADisciple.com)


Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Advent offers an in-depth journey through Luke’s exploration of the incarnation, Luke 1-2, along with suggestions for learning and telling (or reading) the stories.   This is designed as an Advent journey for both biblical storytellers and liturgists who prefer to read! It’s not an introduction to biblical storytelling as such, though […]


$ Sentiments of a Survivor: Having the Conversation About Cancer (BeADisciple.com)


During the Advent season many Christians prepare to celebrate the birth of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They may study the events that preceded His birth, including the journey of Mary and Joseph journey into Bethlehem. They plan to attend church and other holiday celebrations. They decorate their homes accordingly. But what if Advent brings about another journey, either in their […]


$ Prayers and the Scriptures (BeADisciple.com)


Prayers are part of our life – asking, listening, and uniting with the Trinity through remaining the true source. Would you be interested in revising how people in the Bible prayed like Judith, Tobit, Susanna, Paul, and more? Our prayers may change or deepen through contemplating learning of their prayers from the Bible.That’s all you need is […]


$ Parenting on Purpose (BeADisciple.com)


Are you feeling overwhelmed as a parent in today’s world? If you answered a resounding “yes, ” this is the course for you. The current world of parenting is scary with multiple world crises, technology overload, and distrust of leaders. This course, “Parenting on Purpose,” attempts to find a way forward through the turmoil to […]


$ Parenting on Purpose (BeADisciple.com)


Are you feeling overwhelmed as a parent in today’s world? If you answered a resounding “yes, ” this is the course for you. The current world of parenting is scary with multiple world crises, technology overload, and distrust of leaders. This course, “Parenting on Purpose,” attempts to find a way forward through the turmoil to […]


$ Transforming the One Room Sunday School Classroom (BeADisciple.com)


Are you struggling with reaching all the kids in your class? Do some kids thrive while others disrupt? Are there students of multiple ages trying to learn the same material? Do those with learning differences get lost in the background?   If so, you likely find the cookie-cutter lessons hard to implement with your particular group. Perhaps […]
