$ Biblical Faith Regarding Women (BeADisciple.com)


Women in the church have both needs and interests as well as gifts and abilities. While they might experience those in different ways due to a variety of cultural circumstances, that foundation is recognizable across the differences. Local congregations can create space for understanding and living out women’s experiences in ways that meet their needs […]


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (BeADisciple.com)


The history, heritage, beliefs, mission and culture of the United Methodist Church for anyone – newcomer or longtime member – who wants to know what’s distinctive about being a United Methodist Christian. We’ll explore the special gifts of theology and witness that the Wesleyan tradition brings to the Church universal, how we got where we […]


$ Come to the Waters (BeADisciple.com)


Deepen your congregation’s experience of baptism, confirmation and reaffirmation of baptism through this wide-ranging study of By Water and the Spirit, Scripture, Church history and United Methodist theology and practice of the sacrament. This course will reference, but go beyond, the official United Methodist teaching document on baptism. The course considers preparation of adults for baptism […]


$ Leading Bible Study: Biblical Interpretation (BeADisciple.com)


Are you ready to take your Bible Study group or adult Sunday School class to a deeper level? This Advanced Lay Servant course might be just what you need! Through daily discussion board questions and private journals, you’ll develop interpretation skills, practice in a comfortable group setting, and explore the use of current study resources. […]


$ Developing A Dynamic Praise & Worship Experience (BeADisciple.com)


Are you looking for inspiration to help you serve others through worship in your congregation? Do you know the difference between praising God, and worshiping God? Join me for two weeks to come alive in God’s presence in a unique study of praise and worship that will broaden your understanding and draw you into a […]


$ Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving (BeADisciple.com)


Grief can be a lonely place, and those who care for persons who are grieving often find themselves at a loss. Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving will explore how persons who work with grieving friends or family can guide them to grow during this difficult time. The four-week course will share a book study […]


$ Teaching and Leading Small Groups (BeADisciple.com)


In this interactive two week course, you will learn to lead and teach more effectively so that people you minister with better retain and apply the Good News to their lives. Whether working with children, youth, or adults, you will discover practical information based on current scientific and educational practices that can be put to […]


$ Mentoring Young People in Their Faith (BeADisciple.com)


“Being there” for young people means more to them than you know! Youth and young adults people need the examples and experiences of faithful adults to become mature Christians themselves. But it takes more than just casually interacting with a young person to grow their faith. Having a trusted Christian adult mentor to talk with […]


$ A Contemporary View of Christian Eschatology (BeADisciple.com)


This course presents a view of apocalyptic messages from the New Testament, based on a preterist interpretation of scripture. (Preterism is a Christian eschatological view that interprets prophecies of the Bible as events that have already happened.) The course begins with a brief general discussion of apocalyptic literature and a review of pertinent first century historical information. Biblical […]


$ Exploring the Landscape of Spiritual Formation (BeADisciple.com)


A prevalent and compelling metaphor for the Christian spiritual life is that of a journey.  Invariably, questions arise about the nature of that journey, its ends, its means, its path—i.e., the “landscape” through which and in which that journey happens.  Welcome to “Exploring the Landscape of Spiritual Formation” (formerly entitled, “Defining Spiritual Formation”)—an exploration of […]


$ Helping Young People Hear God at Church (BeADisciple.com)


Churches worry about staying relevant to young people.  But they are already experts in a topic that young people today care about – discerning a spiritual and vocational calling.  Unfortunately, many churches don’t make a consistent effort to talk about the power of Call and create an environment that celebrates and nurtures Calling. Helping youth […]
