$ Methodist Identity: Our Story (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – March 6, 2023 What does it mean to be Methodist? In a series of half-hour videos from leading Methodist scholars, Justo Gonzalez leads students through an exploration of the 18th-century Wesleyan revival in England and the growth of Methodism in the United States and around the world. Supplemental videos cover in more detail […]


$ Women Speak of God (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 9 – March 6, 2023 This course is not just for women! The workshop is about how Christians in different cultures, different time periods, and different social locations have told their faith stories. Amy Oden, professor of the History of Christianity and Dean of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, presents video […]


$ Biblical Faith Regarding Women (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 16 – February 24, 2023 Christian women have needs and interests as well as gifts and abilities. While they might experience those in different ways due to a variety of cultural circumstances, congregations can create opportunities for women to meet their needs and empower their abilities! In this course, learners will lay […]


$ Helping Young People Hear God at Church (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 16 – February 3, 2023 Churches worry about staying relevant to young people.  But they are already experts in a topic that young people today care about – discerning a spiritual and vocational calling.  Unfortunately, many churches don’t make a consistent effort to talk about the power of Call and create an […]


$ Preaching a Children’s Sermon (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 23 – February 3, 2023 Do you find writing a 3-5 minute children’s sermon more intimidating than a 20 minute adult sermon? You’re not alone. Preparing and delivering a children’s sermon can be daunting, and countless people admit to being terrified at the thought of being asked to do so. Fear not […]


$ Spiritual Practices for Personal Transformation (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 23 – February 17, 2023 In the believer’s journey through the spiritual landscape, one size doesn’t fit all–each traveler needs shoes that conform to the shape of the individual soul. A single regimen doesn’t work for all souls at various locations in that landscape. Gleaning from the first course in BeADisciple’s Certification in Spiritual Formation program […]


$ The Enneagram for Growth (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 23 – February 17, 2023 A follow-up to BeADisciple.com’s “Introduction to the Enneagram,” this course is for those who already have an awareness of the Enneagram and the Enneagram type they consider to be “their” type, or their home space. Learners will explore the central triads of the Enneagram, how Enneagram stance influences how they experience and relate to the […]


$ Closing Conversations: An End-of-Life Care Guide (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: January 30 – February 10, 2023 Some of the most difficult questions a person will ever face may be centered around the end of life. Discussions of preferences and possibilities may seem to be filled with emotional landmines and possible hurt feelings. “Closing Conversations: An End-of-Life Care Guide” can help with answers to […]


$ Life Together in the United Methodist Connection (BeADisciple.com)


What will happen at General Conference 2024? What is happening in the United Methodist connection now, and with the new Global Methodist Church? This session of the official U.M.C. polity course will include structural realities and principles affecting our annual conferences and local churches right now and in the future. It will help church leaders […]


$ Congregational Leadership: Wesleyan Theology (BeADisciple.com)


Designed for Part-Time Local Pastors and Certified Lay Ministers, but open to any person, clergy or lay, this course covers Wesleyan Theology in terms that are practical and relevant for the average church member. The three-fold aspects of prevenient, justifying and sanctifying grace will be explained in terms that show how they operate throughout the […]


$ Let Them Come to Me: Children in Worship (BeADisciple.com)


The value of generations worshiping together is becoming more clear. This course will explore the place of children in congregational worship and offer practical suggestions for successfully including children in the worshiping community as well as teaching children about the elements of worship.  Learners are required to obtain this book for the course: What’s In Worship by […]
