$ Teaching and Leading Small Groups (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: March 20 – April 3, 2023 In this interactive two week course, you will learn to lead and teach more effectively so that people you minister with better retain and apply the Good News to their lives. Whether working with children, youth, or adults, you will discover practical information based on current scientific […]


$ Introduction to Labyrinths (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: March 20 – 31, 2023 Labyrinths have long been a part of the human story and are ancient in their origins. During the Middle Ages they were used as symbolic pilgrimages to Jerusalem when the troubles of the era prevented travel. The last 30 years have seen a resurgence in interest and labyrinth […]


$ Cultivating a Resilient Spirit (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: March 20 – April 3, 2023 This course will introduce practices that help cultivate resiliency through a grounded life in God, in one another, and in the self. It is recommended for anyone interested in both the theory and the practice of a grounded faith life that produces resiliency.   Resilience is standing with […]


$ Autism and the Church: All Part of Jesus’ Puzzle (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates:April 10 – May 20, 2023 The puzzle piece of autism, a traditional representation of this population, can be an important part of Jesus’ puzzle.   Recent data shows that about 1 in 44 children have been identified with autism spectrum disorder*, but few churches have ministries that serve these children and their families. This […]


$ Twelve Secrets for a Top-Notch Church Website (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates:April 10 – May 5, 2023 It’s easy to take websites for granted, but the best church websites connect and inform congregations internally as well as presenting the church’s best face to the community. This course is designed for clergy and lay persons who want their websites to be destination sites for both internal […]


$ Journey Through the Psalms (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates:April 10 – June 5, 2023 This course is based on the widely-used book Journey through the Psalms, and features video lessons by its author, Dr. Denise Dombkowski Hopkins, Professor of Hebrew Bible at Wesley Theological Seminary. Through the course of eight weekly sessions, the course provides a vehicle to bring the Psalms to life […]


$ Planning for the Church Emergency (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: April 17 – May 5, 2023 We hope emergencies never come, but they are inevitable. By planning in advance, you minimize disruption, minimize damage, and may even save a life. In this three-week course, we’ll review three major emergencies that your church might encounter, and how you can respond to each of them.  […]


$ Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: April 17 – May 15, 2023 Grief can be a lonely place, and those who care for persons who are grieving often find themselves at a loss. Helping Others Grow Through Their Grieving will explore how those who minister to the grieving and those who accompany family or friends can guide them to […]


$ Preaching a Children’s Sermon (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: April 24 – May 5, 2023 Do you find writing a 3-5 minute children’s sermon more intimidating than a 20 minute adult sermon? You’re not alone. Preparing and delivering a children’s sermon can be daunting, and countless people admit to being terrified at the thought of being asked to do so. Fear not […]


$ Hope and Justice for Creation (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: April 24 – May 6, 2023 “In the beginning, God created…humans in God’s image, and gave them dominion among all the creatures of God’s creation.” What does that mean for us Christians in 2023? Does God care how we live on the earth? Is how we treat the planet and its human and […]


$ Before and After the ‘I Do’s’ (BeADiscple.com)


Course Dates: May 1 – June 3, 2023 This course is for clergy who will be doing premarital counseling for couples that include first responders, active military, veterans and their significant others. Information and discussions will cover relationships, communication, finances, and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).In addition to the required books, you will purchase for this […]


$ Welcoming Our Veterans Home (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: May 1 – 14, 2023 This course equips and encourages participants, through course texts, discussions, and case studies, to care for our returned and returning veterans and their loved ones.  It will explore the many perspectives of military service: our nation’s most recent wars, veterans and their loved ones, combat and peacetime, reserve […]
