Multiplying Love: A Vision of United Methodist Life Together (Beacon and Sound Districts of the NCCUMC)


Wednesday, November 8 at 10:30 am Dr Paul W Chilcote will join the Beacon and Sound Districts via Zoom for a one-hour conversation around his soon-to-be-released book, Multiplying Love: A Vision Of United Methodist Life Together (Sept 19 release). Dr. Chilcote has authored over 30 books. He has been involved in theological education on three Continents, serving […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Beliefs (


Course Dates: March 4 – May 6, 2024 This is an Adult Education Course hosted by Gregory Ingram featuring contributions by 9 of the world’s leading Methodist scholars. It builds on the history of Methodism by examining Methodist beliefs and focusing especially on those doctrines that make Methodists distinctive. Eight half-hour long presentations by leading […]


…And Know That You Are United Methodist with Laceye C. Warner and Ashley Boggan D. (Amplify)


Embark on an enlightening journey into Wesleyan Christianity with scholars Laceye C. Warner and Ashley Boggan D. In her book, Knowing Who We Are, Warner invites readers to a richer sense of United Methodist identity, deepening your connection with The United Methodist Church and exploring its historical significance and contemporary relevance. In this webinar, you will: Be […]


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History) (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


Registration is open until Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 11:00 pm. The NC Conference Lay Servant Ministries team presents Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History) on Zoom… This course will explore the special gifts of theology, witness, and organization that The United Methodist Church brings to the church universal, how we got where we are today, […]
