Calendar of Events

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0 events,

4 events,

$ Let Them Come to Me: Children in Worship (

$ Anxiety, Fear, and Faith (

$ Promoting Discipleship Growth in Your Congregation (

- Recurring

Small Church Week (Fresh Expressions)

2 events,


$ Preaching Lent: What not to give up with Mike Graves (Clergy

- Recurring

Small Church Week (Fresh Expressions)

2 events,

$ Mystical Sobriety featuring James Finley (Center for Action and Contemplation)

- Recurring

Small Church Week (Fresh Expressions)

11 events,

$ Spiritual Formation in Today’s World: A One-Year Online Community (Upper Room)

- Recurring

Small Church Week (Fresh Expressions)


Faith Talks on Black Women Making History Today (United Women in Faith)

2 events,


Stewarding Sacred Stories: A Shared Vocation (Duke Divinity School)

- Recurring

Small Church Week (Fresh Expressions)

1 event,

0 events,

3 events,

$ Teaching and Leading Small Groups (


Clergy: Stay on Top of Your Taxes 2024 (Discipleship Ministries)


The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus’ Teachings and How They Have Been Corrupted (Hood Theological Seminary)

1 event,


General Conference is Coming. What Can You Do? (Reconciling Ministries Network)

4 events,

$ Interior Castle with James Finley & Mirabai Starr (Center for Action and Contemplation)

- Recurring

PNCC Monthly Leaders Gathering (Pastors for NC Children)


$ A Spirituality of Fundraising For Those Who Give & Raise Funds (Henri Nouwen Society)


Sparkhouse Digital: What’s New for Lent, Holy Week, & Easter (Sparkhouse Publishing)

5 events,


Coffee Chats: Monitoring Training for Annual Conference (General Commission on the Status and Role of Women)


#StillInMission Episode 63 (General Board of Global Ministries)

2 events,

$ World Religions: Passionately Christian and Compassionately Interreligious (Wesley Theological Seminary)


$ Marketing Coaching Community (United Methodist Communications)

0 events,

0 events,

5 events,

$ Cultivating Faith: Gardening as Experiential Bible Study (

$ (W)Holy Faith: The Contemplative Life (

$ Cultivating a Resilient Spirit (

$ Seeing Differently: A Lenten Journey with Your Camera (

$ Developing A Dynamic Praise & Worship Experience (

2 events,

- Recurring

Mission Amplify Introduction & Basic Training (Pastors for NC Children)

- Recurring

Feeding the Hungry, Caring for Creation: A Two-Part Webinar on Fighting Global Food Insecurity in an Era of Environmental Crisis (Duke Divinity School)

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Mission Amplify Introduction & Basic Training (Pastors for NC Children)

2 events,


Teaching So Kids Can Learn (Center for Leadership Excellence)


Virtual Sit Meditations for Lent (Center for Action and Contemplation)

1 event,


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History) with Tom Santa (Beacon District Lay Srervant Ministries)

0 events,

2 events,

$ Using the Enneagram to Create Healthy Church Cultures (


COSROW Book Club: “Lessons in Chemistry” (NCC Commission on the Status and Role of Women)

2 events,


Living on the Edge: Healthy Boundaries (Commission on the Status and Role of Women)

- Recurring

Crafting Sacred Moments: A Webinar Series for Worship Planners (Discipleship Ministries)

5 events,

$ Small Church Think Tank (Fresh Expressions)


Just Energy 4 All Webinar (United Women in Faith)

- Recurring

$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)

1 event,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,

$ Mentoring Young People in Their Faith (

2 events,


$ Using A.I. Tools in the Church with Jason Moore (Bishop Ough Innovation Center)

- Recurring

Global Neighbors. Global Prayers. (Neighborhood Seminary)

2 events,

$ Small Church Think Tank (Fresh Expressions)


Coffee Chats: Paternity Policy (General Commission on the Status and Role of Women)

4 events,

$ Saving Jesus Redux led by Rev. David Felten (Living the Questions)


$ Kids & Family Ministries: Making Your Church the Best Place to Raise a Family! (United Methodist Church of the Resurrection’s ShareChurch)


Faithful Preparedness, Faithful Resilience: Tools and Resources for Climate Care (Creation Justice Ministries)


Reading Program Author Talk: “I’m Black. I’m Christian. I’m Methodist.” (United Women in Faith)

2 events,


Whose Body is This?: A Theological Anthropology for the Care of the Sick and Dying (Duke Divinity School)


Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative Grant Information Session (Lilly Endowment)

0 events,
