Calendar of Events

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0 events,

5 events,

$ Closing Conversations: An End-of-Life Care Guide (

$ Transforming the One Room Sunday School Classroom (

$ Anxiety, Fear, and Faith (

$ Reading the New Testament With Fresh Eyes (

Creation Care Book Discussion: “The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World” (NCC Creation Care)

2 events,


$ Equipping Collaborative Teams with Dr. Rodney Smothers (

2 events,

$ Wisdom Circles (NC Institute of Spiritual Direction & Formation)


$ This Time Next Year: Vision, Values and Goals with Solita Denard (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)

2 events,

Mental Health Through the Lens of Faith (NC Council of Churches)


Belong Webinar Series: Deepening Your Knowledge (Discipleship Ministries)

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

Taste and See: What is Spiritual Direction? (NC Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation)

4 events,

$ Who Am I? (

$ Preaching or Teaching from Mark’s Gospel (

$ Using the Enneagram to Create Healthy Church Cultures (

Discipleship Reset (Fresh Expressions)

2 events,

- Recurring

QPR Suicide Prevention Training for Faith Leaders (RAFI & Farmer Veteran Coalition)

- Recurring

Taste and See: What is Spiritual Direction? (NC Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation)

0 events,

5 events,

Peer Network Group (NCSU Institute for Emerging Issues)


$ Safeguarding Your Ministry (

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,

Solidarity With The Sojourner Webinar (General Commission on Religion and Race)

0 events,

4 events,


$ Vision Casting Ignitor (Fresh Expressions)

Hope and Action: Resourcing Congregations for Hospitality (NCC Hispanic-Latinx Ministries)

1 event,


$ Effective Communication to Grow Your Church (

0 events,

2 events,


$ Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


Esperanza y Acción: Recursos Para la Comunidad Inmigrante (NCC Hispanic-Latinx Ministries)

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

3 events,

Movement Café: Divestment with Fossil Free UMC (United Methodist Creation Justice Movement)


$ Renewal: Looking into the Future: Embracing the Future: Crisis, Loss, and the Path Forward (Iliff School of Theology)

- Recurring

$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)

2 events,

Coffee Chat: Expanding Language in Liturgy (General Commission on the Status and Role of Women)

0 events,

1 event,


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History) (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)

0 events,

8 events,

$ Creative Praying Through Scripture, Music, and Art (

$ Fostering Healthy Communication and Conflict With the Enneagram (

$ Planning for the Church Emergency (

$ 21-Day Journey in God’s Word (

$ Communication, Public Speaking, and the Church (

$ Addiction and Spirituality (

Creation Care Book Discussion: “Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet” (NCC Creation Care)

Trail Marker Check-In (Fresh Expressions)

1 event,

Voices From the Field: “Planting the Seeds and Watching Them Grow” (United Women in Faith)

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,
