COSROW Book Club Summer Read: Between Two Kingdoms (NCC COSROW)


This Summer the COSROW Book Club invites you to read: Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaouad Read this book over the summer and join us in August for a book discussion. Zoom link:


Saving Grace Learning Community (Wespath)


Foundations and conference leaders offering this Wesleyan personal finance curriculum share  insights and tips from their experiences hosting Saving Grace cohorts. Learn how this financial literacy course is equipping pastors to increase their financial well-being by taking charge of their financial practices.  Peer learning and inspiration ensured! Because financial well-being is increasingly an area that foundations and conference leaders […]


Effective Communication in Times of Crisis (Center for Leadership Excellence)


When your church has a crisis, how can you be ready? Join us for a three-week workshop series and learn the skills you need to provide an immediate response in a crisis, develop successful strategies for pre-empting or managing a crisis, and avoid critical mistakes that can cause long-term damage. Register once and we will […]


$ An Effective Approach to Cooperative Parishes (


Kay Kotan and Jason Stanley offer a roadmap for discernment and implementation for congregations to cooperate strategically and creatively to make a bigger Kingdom impact. You will be challenged, directed, and even coached during this fast hour. The cooperative parish concept has been knocked around in the United Methodist Book of Discipline and annual conference staff organizational […]


$ Life Together in the United Methodist Connection (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


Why does The United Methodist Church do things the way it does? And what does any of this have to do with trying to be a place and a people that embody the Kingdom of God? This course will help participants get their bearings and consider the specific structural challenges The United Methodist Church faces […]


$ Outreach and Design Using Canva (United Methodist Communications)


Outreach and Design Using Canva is a four-week, online learning experience. Course facilitators will lead you to get the most out of Canva including design for social media, presentations, scheduling communication, and much more. The course will run August 15 through September 9, 2022. Registration will close on Wednesday, August 10 at 5 PM Central Time. Space is limited! Content […]


$ Honor Thy Father and Mother As They Age (


Older adults dread the day when they have to turn in the car keys, acknowledge their infirmity, or leave a family home behind. They don’t want to become a burden on their children or others. All of these transitions may be happening to your parents. Right now.   No one can hide from aging—not your parents […]


$ Religion and Science: Pathways to Truth (


Must we reject belief in God to accept the findings of science?Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, hosts this ground-breaking series in which several leading scientists, theologians, and philosophers explore the contrasts and similarities between religion and science. This group of experts considers if and how religion and science might […]


$ A Life Worthy of the Gospel (


How do Christians think and act faithfully in a complex and often ambiguous world? What models from Scripture and Church history might help us to live “lives worthy of the Gospel” in the 21st century? This eloquent, challenging and inspiring six-week introduction to Christian ethics avoids pat answers and simplistic lists of do’s and don’t’s […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Story (


What does it mean to be Methodist? In a series of half-hour videos from leading Methodist scholars, Justo Gonzalez leads students through an exploration of the 18th-century Wesleyan revival in England and the growth of Methodism in the United States and around the world. Supplemental videos cover in more detail the rise of Methodism in Europe, Asia, Africa […]


$ Digital Ministry for a Non-Digital Native (


We live in a digital world, and online ministry (for most of us) is here to stay.   Whether you are a digital native (someone who grew up always having access to the Web) or not, today’s world invites us to use technology to worship, disciple, and reach new people with God’s love in Jesus. But […]


$ The Divine Exchange (Center for Action and Contemplation)


A 14-week online course exploring the heart of God through the idea of Divine Exchange, Cynthia Bourgeault’s framework for the Christian Wisdom tradition. Learn how kenosis, or self-emptying, can lead to a participatory exchange between the finite and the infinite. The Divine Exchange explores the idea of exchange as the dynamic medium for everything finite and […]
