$ Small Church Think Tank (Fresh Expressions)
OnlineGod has given you the Holy Spirit, the most creative force imaginable. But it still helps to have other leaders to help you dream and pray. Find the time that […]
God has given you the Holy Spirit, the most creative force imaginable. But it still helps to have other leaders to help you dream and pray. Find the time that […]
The Why, What, When and How of the Dinner Church Journey; Taking the needed steps to a successful Dinner Church mission. Join in an interactive hour long webinar with Verlon […]
Join the Just Energy for All webinars to hear from experts, community leaders, and United Women in Faith members advocating for just energy solutions in their communities and around the […]
Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow […]
In our polarized and often poisonous politics, it can be challenging to even talk to someone who has different beliefs. Our relationships are strained, loving our neighbor feels impossible and […]
Come learn from Carolina Cross Connection Executive Director Brittany Bethel about the importance of safe spaces for all to experience the love of God at summer camp! We'll talk about:
Course Dates: February 26 – March 8, 2024 This updated, accessible course is for empathetic Christians who are determined to be there for young people. In only two weeks you’ll easily pick […]
Our February 26, 2024 discussion will be of Organic Wesley: A Christian Perspective on Food, Farming, and Faith by William C. Guerrant, Jr. Amazon, Seedbed Email tclayton@nccumc.org for Zoom information.
Join Jason Moore, a seasoned advocate for integrating technology into the church. With decades of experience in leading trainings on media, screens, and hybrid worship, Jason is now at the […]
You’re invited to join Neighborhood Seminary monthly on fourth Tuesdays for prayers offered for and with Global Neighbors. Each month the focus of prayers alternates between a nation/region of the […]
God has given you the Holy Spirit, the most creative force imaginable. But it still helps to have other leaders to help you dream and pray. Find the time that […]
Join AC COSROWs from across the connection for an opportunity to connect, learn, and share within the COSROW community. These virtual gatherings offer networking, resource sharing, and idea exchange in […]
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The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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