Digital Inclusion 101 (NCSU Institute for Emerging Issues)
OnlineWe're back with Peer Network Groups! Come join conversations on these topics. Feel free to invite others and to join us as you are!
We're back with Peer Network Groups! Come join conversations on these topics. Feel free to invite others and to join us as you are!
Travis Jeffords is a North Carolina Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate, and National Certified Counselor. Travis works on staff as a licensed counselor at Sanctuary Counseling Group, and has led contemporary worship for the United Methodist church for the last 15 years. Travis completed his Masters in Science with a focus on Clinical Mental […]
The Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force and their partners, are pleased to announce our 2022 Speaker Series. During this 4-part series that extends into December and includes a 6-week book study in the fall, we will journey together to prayerfully learn, engage, and tackle our personal and corporate role in addressing racism. Dr. Hart […]
Holiness at its core is about love. God himself (who is love) said that we are to be holy because he is. From that one proclamation, we learn that holiness isn’t something we do. It is something we are. Holiness is the very character of a loving, creative, joyful, joy-giving God who has told us we […]
The Office of Deaconess and Home Missioner invites those who are discerning a call to ministry to attend a virtual discernment event taking place on Saturday, December 3, 2022. Register here: This event is for laity in the United Methodist Church who feel called to full-time vocational ministries in diverse contexts. Qualifications for the Office […]
If we care about biblical justice, or even if we merely empathize with the unjust suffering of marginalized people, it is easy to feel discouraged—even despairing. If we care about the unity of the church and healthy democracy, the enormous divides in our society also can lead to depression and anxiety. Even if we only […]
In this two-week, interactive course you will join your instructor and fellow learners on a journey of discovery! By reading, discussing, and engaging in practical exercises, participants will find that God gives spiritual grace gifts for two purposes: For you to uniquely serve on a personal level, and so that your gifts and the gifts of […]
This course leads you to learn from John Wesley how to practice relational evangelism. You will discover that evangelism involves not only sharing your faith with others but also welcoming people into a community where they can grow in faith. You will learn that evangelism/mission/outreach requires developing relationships with those that we are leading to […]
Join United Women in Faith Regional Missionary Emma Cantor Dec. 5, 10 a.m. ET, 9 a.m. CT Register here for the virtual event. Join Emma Cantor, United Women in Faith Regional Missionary to Asia & Pacific, to hear how God is moving in mission through our work with women in the Philippines. United Women in Faith […]
As one of the fastest-growing segments of North America, the Latino Community represents a massive opportunity for evangelism. While traditional Latino churches continue to thrive, there is also a need for innovative approaches to sharing the gospel. In this webinar, you’ll get to know the Latino Community in North America and learn how innovative approaches […]
Como uno de los segmentos de más rápido crecimiento de América del Norte, la comunidad Hispana Latina (62.1 millones en 2020) representa una gran oportunidad para el evangelismo. Si bien las iglesias Hispanas Latinas tradicionales continúan prosperando, también existe la necesidad de enfoques innovadores para compartir el evangelio. En este seminario web, conocerá a la […]
Small congregations are not miniaturized big congregations. They have different challenges. Fortunately, they also have different strengths–ones that are deeply forming, urgently needed, and generally unavailable in big settings. Learn how to build with these strengths and stop imitating models that never fit to begin with.
View articles, files, and websites that offer resources on immigration.
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