Undenied: No Longer Willing to be Unheard (Northern Illinois Conference)


The Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force and their partners, are pleased to announce our 2022 Speaker Series. During this 4-part series that extends into December and includes a 6-week book study in the fall, we will journey together to prayerfully learn, engage, and tackle our personal and corporate role in addressing racism. Rev. Chebon […]


$ Forging a New Path – Moving the Church Forward in a Post-Pandemic World (ClergyEducation.com)


In the twenty-first century, his question echoes through time in a new way: Can this church grow again? For people who care about faith-based communities, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom of God, this question is critical. When the pandemic broke out, it badly disrupted church life, already hindered by declining membership, forcing […]


$ Connectional Living and Connectional Giving (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


This course helps lay servants understand and share the world transforming power of connectional giving rooted in the biblical/Wesleyan tradition.  Learn About the Course HereThis advanced class is open to anyone who would like to better understand the way your church’s apportionment is utilized. This class maybe used for renewal credit or used as the advanced […]


$ 5-Day Academy (Academy for Spiritual Formation)


Faculty: Jeremy Troxler: “The Widow’s Way: Pursuing Justice and Peace through Persistent Prayer and Direct Relationship”    Dr. Velda Love: “Radical Spirituality and Radical Self-Care: Caring for and Healing Black and Brown Bodies” Contact: Claire Cox-Woodlief , nc5dayacademy@gmail.com Registrar: Ani Simpkins, 800.849.4433 or ani.simpkins@nccumc.org Sponsor: North Carolina Conference of the UMC and The Upper Room Registration fee includes meals, lodging, lectures, and materials.


$ A Contemporary View of Christian Eschatology (BeADisciple.com)


This course presents a view of apocalyptic messages from the New Testament, based on a preterist interpretation of scripture. (Preterism is a Christian eschatological view that interprets prophecies of the Bible as events that have already happened.) The course begins with a brief general discussion of apocalyptic literature and a review of pertinent first century historical information. Biblical […]


$ Exploring the Landscape of Spiritual Formation (BeADisciple.com)


A prevalent and compelling metaphor for the Christian spiritual life is that of a journey.  Invariably, questions arise about the nature of that journey, its ends, its means, its path—i.e., the “landscape” through which and in which that journey happens.  Welcome to “Exploring the Landscape of Spiritual Formation” (formerly entitled, “Defining Spiritual Formation”)—an exploration of […]


$ Helping Young People Hear God at Church (BeADisciple.com)


Churches worry about staying relevant to young people.  But they are already experts in a topic that young people today care about – discerning a spiritual and vocational calling.  Unfortunately, many churches don’t make a consistent effort to talk about the power of Call and create an environment that celebrates and nurtures Calling. Helping youth […]


Book Discussion: The Nature of Oaks (NCC Creation Care)


Our SEPTEMBER discussion will be The Nature of Oaks:  The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees by Douglas Tallamy.   Amazon; Bookshop.org; indiebound.org Our October 24 book discussion will feature Sharon Delgado's new book The Cross in the Midst of Creation: Following Jesus, Engaging the Powers,Transforming the World.  On 9/27, you'll have the opportunity to engage her in […]


Voices From the Field I Answering the Call to Serve (United Women in Faith)


Join Dr. Katelin Hansen, Community Development for All People; L. Susan Stroup, Murphy-Harpst Children’s Centers; Dr. Yvette Richards, Della Lamb Community Services and Cornerstones of Care. The speakers will discuss the critical issues facing women in their communities, share their cur-rent work and future programs needed to improve the lives of women and girls. An […]


Building a United Methodist Creation Just Movement (NCC Creation Care)


Many of our churches engage in acts of mercy, creation care, and advocacy, but these actions are not enough to change the underlying system that is causing environmental injustice and climate chaos. We are up against powerful special interests and entrenched institutions that are invested (literally) in keeping things going along the current trajectory. Rev. […]


$ Leadership Institute (UM Church of the Resurrection)


As churches are emerging from the pandemic season, the Leadership Institute at the Church of the Resurrection has resources and tools to train up effective leaders and build healthy congregations. Who attends? Pastors & Church StaffMinistry LeadersLay Leaders & Volunteers What do you walk away with? Practical tips, tools, & resourcesIncreased leadership development & growthInspiration […]
