#StillinMission Episode 74 (General Board of Global Ministries)


Are you interested in learning more about United Methodist missionaries? Do you wonder what day-to-day life is like in mission? #STILLINMISSION is a monthly Zoom event where you can hear first-hand experience from missionaries about their call to mission and the communities they serve. Join us to see how missionaries share God’s love in partnership with communities […]


Clergy Taxes: An Overview (Discipleship Ministries)


For almost a decade, Discipleship Ministries has offered a February webinar to help clergy get a clearer picture of their taxes. The key ingredient in that offering was Don Joiner, a staff member of our agency for 35 years, as well as a Certified Financial Planner and Clergy Tax preparer. Don’s sudden death in October […]


Solidarity With The Sojourner Webinar (General Commission on Religion and Race)


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C. – Multiple denominational leaders are set to gather for a webinar to discuss the United Methodist response to immigrant justice and United Methodists across the connection. All interested parties are invited to join the conversation. “Solidarity with the Sojourner: Understanding U.S. Immigration and Our Call to Respond” is scheduled for […]


$ Vision Casting Ignitor (Fresh Expressions)


Join us for a dynamic workshop designed to help pastors and church leaders envision flourishing communities and embrace innovative approaches to ministry through fresh expressions. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, participants will explore their church's unique identity, uncover opportunities for community connection, and develop concrete plans for implementing fresh expressions to reach new people. […]

$49 – $249

Dinner Church Next Steps Webinar (Fresh Expressions)


The Next Step Webinar is a live, free conversation for church leaders ready to start or grow a Dinner Church but seeking guidance to move forward. In just one hour, you’ll walk away inspired and equipped with a clear vision to step into this exciting mission God has prepared for you.


Hope and Action: Resourcing Congregations for Hospitality (NCC Hispanic-Latinx Ministries)


This online event will provide a vital space for all our congregations, especially English-speaking congregations, to learn about current immigration policies and laws, dispel myths about migrants, immigrants, and refugees, and explore ways to extend hospitality to individuals at risk of mass deportation. The session is designed to equip congregations to become more hospitable to […]


Beyond Plastics Toolkit Launch (Creation Justice Ministries)


Join us for this tool-building webinar featuring the unveiling of Beyond Plastics' Toolkit for Houses of Worship. This important resource builds on the work of faith communities who engaged with our Plastic Jesus annual resource, offering practical strategies to reduce plastic use within your congregation and advocate for impactful policy changes. Join us for an […]


$ Effective Communication to Grow Your Church (ClergyEducation.com)


This session is for everyone, no matter the size of your church or whether you’ve attended previous communications webinars by Kevin Slimp. If you’ve attended Kevin’s earlier webinar,  then this webinar is for you! It’s even for folks who haven’t attended the original session. And no one is left out. This webinar includes great information […]


$ Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


Registration is open until Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 11:00 pm. This gives the attendee enough time to register for the training, order and receive the reading materials, and read before the day of class. The Beacon District presents the Basic Course in Lay Servant Ministries on Zoom with Tom Santa. This is an overview course that […]


Esperanza y Acción: Recursos Para la Comunidad Inmigrante (NCC Hispanic-Latinx Ministries)


El Comité Hispano de la Iglesia Metodista Unida de Carolina del Norte invita a la comunidad a un evento de asesoría sobre la situación de inmigración en los Estados Unidos bajo la nueva administración. La presentación estará a cargo de un abogado en inmigración, quien brindará orientación práctica, responderá preguntas clave y compartirá recursos útiles […]
