Young Women’s Webinar on Climate Justice (United Women in Faith)


United Women in Faith is inviting young women (15-35 years old) with a passion for climate justice to a webinar on April 22, 2022 at 7pm EST time. We will mix and mingle, sharing our experiences on how climate change is impacting our lives. We shall learn much about climate change and appreciate that climate […]


$ Bridge Over Troubled Water: Learning to Cope with Chronic Illness (


There’s an epidemic raging through our country. Most people are unaware of it — or they choose to ignore it. Other than those struggling with the condition, few talk about the problem. If you’re looking at this course, you’re probably experiencing part of the epidemic. What is this epidemic? Chronic Illness. If you suffer from […]


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (


The history, heritage, beliefs, mission and culture of the United Methodist Church for anyone – newcomer or longtime member – who wants to know what’s distinctive about being a United Methodist Christian. We’ll explore the special gifts of theology and witness that the Wesleyan tradition brings to the Church universal, how we got where we […]


$ Becoming an Effective Witness for Jesus Christ (


Are you able to recall a time in your life when someone reached out to you with the love of Christ and changed your life forever? Do you have a burning desire to share God’s love with others? Do you want the Light of Christ within you to be a beacon to those lost in […]


$ Mysticism: Women and Men Mystics in the Christian Tradition (


Other courses have discussed women mystics and men mystics separately. Since God created male and female, it is now logical to explore how women and men mystics walk together. This course invites you to learn how partnerships bring female mystical power and male ecclesiastical authority together without placing one above the other.  A live optional Zoom will be the last […]


$ Helping Young People Hear God at Church (


Churches worry about staying relevant to young people.  But they are already experts in a topic that young people today care about – discerning a spiritual and vocational calling.  Unfortunately, many churches don’t make a consistent effort to talk about the power of Call and create an environment that celebrates and nurtures Calling. Helping youth […]


$ Mentoring Young People in Their Faith (


“Being there” for young people means more to them than you know! Youth and young adults people need the examples and experiences of faithful adults to become mature Christians themselves. But it takes more than just casually interacting with a young person to grow their faith. Having a trusted Christian adult mentor to talk with […]


Book Launch: Colors of Hope (Chalice Press)


Meet AllianceQ Executive Director Melissa Guthrie (she/her) as she talks with Chalice Press President and Publisher Brad Lyons (he/him) about her new book, COLORS OF HOPE: A Devotional Journal From LGBTQ+ Christians. Each chapter in the book delves deeply into a color of the original Pride flag and helps you explore how to enrich your […]


Faith Talks (United Women in Faith)


Faith Talks are monthly conversations with United Methodist Women hosted by Jennifer R. Farmer, Spotlight PR.Each conversation explores themes and resources that empower us to put faith, hope and love into action.


ICFSH Earth Day Conference (Hood Theological Seminary)


Join us as we reflect on responses to the current climate crisis through the Science and Spirituality of George Washington Carver. "Mother Wit from Mother Earth" The International Center For Faith, Science, and History (ICFSH) Earth Day Conference is a hybrid experience. Attendees will be able to attend in-person or virtually. If you plan to […]


$ Redeeming Creation (NCC Creation Care Team)


We are excited to announce our second annual Redeeming Creation conference! Redeeming Creation is a virtual conference offered to any and all Christians who want to further their understanding of what it means to be a participant with God in the redemption of creation. This year’s Redeeming Creation will be held on April 23, 2022, […]


$ Redeeming Creation (NCC Creation Care Team)


We are excited to announce our second annual Redeeming Creation conference! Redeeming Creation is a virtual conference offered to any and all Christians who want to further their understanding of what it means to be a participant with God in the redemption of creation. This year’s Redeeming Creation will be held on April 23, 2022, […]
