$ Cultivating Brilliance: Growing Creativity in Life, Team, and Ministry (Fresh Expressions)


If the creative juices just aren't flowing like they used to, Mitch Marcello will teach you proven techniques that will bring new energy into your day-to-day life, your ministry teams and your church programs. Dates: September 13, 20, 27 from 2-4 Eastern Center for Remissioning Fall Workshop Series New Opportunities Require New Strategies The Summer […]

$129 – $149

Coffee Chats with Denise Smartt Sears (General Commission on the Status and Role of Women)


Join Denise Smartt Sears and AC COSROWs from across the connection for an opportunity to connect, learn, and share within the COSROW community. These virtual gatherings offer networking, resource sharing, and idea exchange in a welcoming environment. Grab your beverage of choice, engage in insightful discussions, and contribute to a vibrant network that fosters growth […]


Local Church Property Insurance (NCC Treasurer’s Office)


The Conference Treasurer’s Office will host a lunchtime Zoom meeting on Thursday, September 14, 2023, from 12:00-1:00 pm to discuss upcoming local church property insurance renewals and trends impacting local churches in the property insurance industry. United Methodist pastors, trustees, business administrators, and others interested in property insurance for United Methodist churches are invited to […]


$ Kingdom Business: How Missional Entrepreneurs Grow Kingdom Ecosystems that Impact Communities (Fresh Expressions)


If you see needs in your community that small businesses can help with, let Hugh Halter teach you about his approach to incubating businesses and starting new faith communities at the same time. Dates: September 14, 21, 28 from 1-3 Eastern Session One: Music not Math Finding and following the creative nature of God in […]

$129 – $149

What Every United Methodist Child Should Know about Generosity (Discipleship Ministries)


Ask adult disciples in your church how they first learned about being generous, and odds are they will mention watching their parents filling an offering envelope or putting money in the offering plate. They may respond about receiving coins or a dollar bill to put in the offering plate of their Sunday School class. Yet […]


$ Life Together in the UM Connection (Polity) (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


About the Course: Why does The United Methodist Church do things the way it does? And what does any of this have to do with trying to be a place and a people that embody the Kingdom of God? This course will help participants get their bearings and consider the specific structural challenges The United […]


$ Writing Bible-Based Plays for Christmas, Step by Step (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: September 18 – 29, 2023 Would a Bible-based play liven up your worship time during the Advent/Christmas season? Would the production include all ages and ability levels? This course can make that happen with step-by-step guidance that includes rationale, story choice, plot, characters, acting parts, setting, direction, music and sound effects, props and […]


$ Building Beloved Community in a Wounded World (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: September 18 – November 10, 2023 Is the beloved community local, national, global, or universal? What kind of love is required for the beloved community? Is such a community only an ideal, or can it be actualized in the here and now? Tracing the phrase ‘beloved community’ from Josiah Royce through Martin Luther King Jr. […]


$ Stewardship Online (BeADisciple.com)


Course Dates: September 18 – 22, 2023 Would you like to look at what you have (and don’t have) with new eyes? How is God calling you to give and take care of your blessings? This one-week strategic course is for leaders discerning areas of “unmined stewardship” in your ministry while working on your courage […]


COSROW Book Club: “My Body is Not a Prayer Request” (NCC COSROW)


The September COSROW Book Club selection is My Body is Not  Prayer Request by Amy Kenny https://www.amazon.com/Body-Not-Prayer-Request-Disability/dp/B09XY4C74P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1P9YTN7NZWKF7&keywords=my+body+is+not+a+prayer+request+amy+kenny&qid=1694017845&sprefix=my+body+is+not+a+prayer+request%2Caps%2C636&sr=8-1 Join in a discussion of the book on September 18th at noon.  Come on your lunch break!  Bring your lunch along! Here is the zoom link:  Topic: COSROW Book ClubTime: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join […]


Filling in the Gaps: Reading the Gospel of Mark with Amy-Jill Levine and Josh Scott (Amplify)


The Gospel of Mark is a text that brings new insights and marvels each time it’s read. Mark depicts Jesus as a complicated character: human yet divine, a powerful figure yet a suffering servant. Amy-Jill Levine’s The Gospel of Mark: A Beginner’s Guide to the Good News is an exploration of the shortest Gospel in our Bible […]


$ Reaching People in their 20s, 30s and 40s – the Do’s the Dont’s and the Why’s with Rachel Gilmore (ClergyEducation.com)


If you’re like previous attendees, you’ll leave this webinar saying, “Wow!” Most churches are struggling to connect with younger generations.  What if the very way we think of church and do church is part of the problem? Join Rachel Gilmore for this webinar where we can explore principles that we find in Scripture and current research that can […]
