Multiplying Love: A Vision of United Methodist Life Together (Beacon and Sound Districts of the NCCUMC)


Wednesday, November 8 at 10:30 am Dr Paul W Chilcote will join the Beacon and Sound Districts via Zoom for a one-hour conversation around his soon-to-be-released book, Multiplying Love: A Vision Of United Methodist Life Together (Sept 19 release). Dr. Chilcote has authored over 30 books. He has been involved in theological education on three Continents, serving […]


Coffee Chat – Care taker, pastor, chauffeur: Who is caring for you? (General Commission on the Status and Role of Women)


Join Denise Smartt Sears and AC COSROWs from across the connection for an opportunity to connect, learn, and share within the COSROW community. These virtual gatherings offer networking, resource sharing, and idea exchange in a welcoming environment. Grab your beverage of choice, engage in insightful discussions, and contribute to a vibrant network that fosters growth […]


$ Pilgrimage (NCC Youth Ministries)


Pilgrimage has been creating a space for thousands of United Methodist youth (6th – 12th grades) and their mentors to gather for over 25 years. Pilgrimage is a life-changing weekend event filled with amazing artists, thought provoking speakers, and inspiring youth leadership – all bearing witness to the transforming love of Christ. This weekend is […]


UMVIM Leadership Training (NCC United Methodist Volunteers in Mission)


The NC Conference United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (NCC UMVIM) exists to promote, encourage and enable Christians to exemplify “Christian Love in Action.”  This training is highly recommended for all Team Leaders of missional exchange groups from the NC Annual Conference and required for groups applying for Conference Missional Exchange Grants to aid in funding […]


$ Right Stuff: Advent Workshop (


Course Dates: November 13 – 17, 2023 How can we “love God” more? What can we give him poor as we are? Let’s work with our minds and hands on new ways to give him our hearts. We will meet in a three-hour Zoom workshop to collaborate, creating worship and devotional items for churches, small groups, and […]


$ Effectively Communicate with Your Church and Community (


Participants receive a certificate for 1-hour CEU following the online class. This session is for everyone, no matter the size of your church or whether you’ve attended previous communications webinars by Kevin Slimp. If you’ve attended Kevin’s earlier webinar,  then this webinar is for you! It’s even for folks who haven’t attended the original session. […]


Developing a Year-Round Stewardship Strategy (Discipleship Ministries)


Has your church started planning its 2024 Stewardship Strategy?Some are no doubt in the midst of planning and executing an annual campaign right now. It is an important piece, but it is just a piece of what could (and should) be a larger stewardship strategy for your church. Join us as we explore how your […]


PNCC Ministry Leaders Gathering (Pastors for NC Children)


Pastors for NC Children hosts a Ministry Leaders Gathering on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 10-11am for any clergy, faith leaders, education advocates, or those interested in learning more about PNCC and the work needing to be done to support NC’s public schools. We have time to check in with each other, share […]


Faith & Community: Health & Wellness Peer Network Group (NCSU Institute for Emerging Issues)


Many faith communities across North Carolina lead health and wellness partnerships for the holistic well-being of their congregants and community members. The Faith & Community team invites you to join Rev. Jessica Stokes, Program Manager of Blue Cross Blue Shield's Faith-Based Initiatives, sharing about programs and resources available to North Carolina faith communities to grow […]


$ Ministry of Black Women’s Self Care with Kim Gaubault (Resource Center for Women & Ministry in the South)


Kim Gaubault recognizes that self-care is often the component that remains a form of intervention (after the break or the medical emergency) rather than a preventative measure. When we allow our bodies, minds and/or spirits to break down in the course of doing this work, we are not only putting ourselves at risk but we […]

$10 – $40