$ The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality (BeADisciple.com)


What is your “spiritual style”? Why do other people connect with God so differently? Is your church embroiled in “worship wars?” Or is your connection with God in a rut? Every Advent, Lent or New Year do you make the same spiritual resolutions, and fail? Do you really know your own spiritual style and want […]


$ Reel Theology: A Lenten Film Festival (BeADisciple.com)


Adapting words from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, we might observe that “Hollywood’s crammed with heaven and every common film afire with God and Gospel Truth.” Join us in a Lenten film festival that explores the intersection of Hollywood and Divine. We will address the various ways Christ and Gospel can be perceived as relating to culture […]


Trauma and Relationships ( Hood Theological Seminary)


Center for Chaplaincy - February 2022 DidacticThe Center For Chaplaincy at Hood Theological Seminary is hosting a 2-part series on Trauma: Part II: Trauma and Relationships Psychic Injuries Impact Relationships With Self and Others “Hurt People Hurt People” Monday, February 28, 2022, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., EST Facilitator: Dr. H. Mac Wallace Psychotherapist, CPE […]


Creation Care Book Discussion (NCC Creation Care)


Join us for a discussion of  Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation Paperback – September 21, 2021  by Paul Hawken Amazon;  Bookshop.org;  indiebound.org  Check your local library.   You must register in advance for this Zoom (2/28 at 10:30 AM) meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdu2qrjgqHtf6VczlQltOY3hK4nrEFWuL After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



$ VBS Virtual Workshop for Food Truck Party (Cokesbury)


Want a more in-depth look at Cokesbury VBS? Here’s your opportunity!Whether you are doing in-person VBS or at-home/virtual VBS, this training is for you!For 2022, Cokesbury offers our VBS Workshops for Food Truck Party VBS in person and virtually! We’ve made this training available to you to view at your convenience.


$ The ‘I Am’ Statements of Jesus (BeADisciple.com)


In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis argued that Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord. Seekers who listen closely, though, will hear Jesus’ own words revealing which of these is true.  Who did Jesus say He is?   This course will look at seven important ‘I Am’ statements of Jesus that are found in the Gospel […]


$ Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Lent (BeADisciple.com)


Biblical Storytelling Weekly for Lent offers an in-depth journey through Luke’s resurrection stories, Luke 24 and Acts 1:1-14, along with suggestions for learning and powerfully telling, or reading, the stories.   This is designed as a Lenten journey for both Biblical storytellers and those who prefer to read the Scripture in worship. It’s not an introduction to Biblical […]


Digital Inclusion Planning Workshop: Challenges & Best Practices (NCSU Institute for Emerging Issues)


The Institute for Emerging Issues (IEI) continues its series of virtual workshops for those interested in creating a digital inclusion plan in their community. Digital Inclusion Planning Workshop #4: Challenges & Best Practices    REGISTER NOW     (This session will be recorded and emailed to all registered participants.)Wednesday, March 2, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Missed the previous Digital Inclusion […]


$ Creating a Connection Between the Church and the Community (ClergyEducation.com)


There are some emerging movements among churches in America and beyond that are showing promise for how the church will transform to thrive in this new century in which we find ourselves. Among these movements are some common practices that we can implement to keep up with an ever changing ministry field. Spoiler alert: They […]


A Night with New Room: Ash Wednesday (Seedbed)


Lent, the season of the descent of the Son of God to the Cross. Gather with us for an evening of preparation for the 40 days—to get in step with the Holy Spirit together, to prepare for a season of fasting and repentance and joyful realignment with the mind of Jesus Christ. Meet us at […]


Faith + Fitness 2022 Webinar (Duke Divinity School)


Faith leaders, have you seen how your physical state can affect your ability to spiritually lead? Are you physically exhausted, fatigued, or weary? Maybe you had big goals for 2022: sleep more, exercise more, eat better. How are you doing pursuing those goals? It is easy for spiritual leaders to put off caring for the body […]


$ Together We Welcome: A Virtual National Faith Gathering to Strengthen Support for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (Church World Service)


For the last 75 years, CWS has actively worked in solidarity and intentional focus with faith partners and community groups from across the world, to do in partnership what none of us could hope to do as well alone: “Transform communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster.” It […]
