Book Discussion: Once I Was You (NCC COSROW)


The May COSROW Book Club selection is Once I Was You by Maria Hinojosa Join in a discussion of the book on June 5th at 1pm Contact Lindsay Collins for […]


$ Severe Mental Illness and the Church (


Course Dates: June 19 – 30, 2023 This course explores ministry within the church to those with severe mental illness. Learners will examine the prevalence of mental illness, the difference between the […]


$ Re-Thinking Small Group Ministry (ShareChurch)


Join Resurrection’s Adult Discipleship team as they share the fruit of two years of research, experimentation, and practice in a new take on small group ministry that seeks to rethink […]


Communication Cool Tools Webinar (UMC Support)


When it comes to church marketing and communications, effective tools and technologies are essential. There are countless tips, tricks, trends, and techniques constantly surfacing in today’s digital age, and finding […]
