$ Called to Preach (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


A down-to-earth, practical introduction to the ins and outs of preaching for lay preachers, bi-vocational pastors, and others newly arrived in the pulpit. Recent years have seen a considerable increase […]


$ Lay Servants Lead in Conflict Resolution (NCC LSM)


Helps seminary professors, leaders, ministers, mediators, facilitators, and conflict transformation consultants turn conflict from a negative force into a positive one grounded in biblical principles, love of God, neighbor, and […]


$ Leading Worship (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


This advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries focuses on the ministry of the Lay Servant who either regularly or occasionally leads a group, class, organization, or the congregation in worship. […]


Convocation & Pastors’ School (Duke Divinity School)


The annual Convocation & Pastors’ School is a conference that offers lectures, worship, and seminars for Christian leaders of all traditions. Led by scholars and practitioners from Duke University and […]


$ Meditation With Hymns (BeADisciple.com)


Singing hymns brings such joy to believers. The deep theological messages and the familiar melodies speak to hearts as well as to minds, but could hymns be an even more crucial part of our […]


Common Learning Day (NCC New Faith Communities)


New Faith Communities invites you to join us as we come together for a common learning day to discuss theological and practical training in liturgical worship.Our guest speakers for this […]
