Lay Pastoral Care Giving (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


A distinguished historian, academic and occasional evangelist I know was hushed by his stunned wife after he said to a friend he was visiting in the hospital, “I hope you […]


$ Leading Public Prayer (NCC Lay Servant Ministries)


This course is open to anyone who would like to become more comfortable praying in public. The course will help participants grow in confidence and skill in public prayer and […]


$ Leadership Institute (UM Church of the Resurrection)


You're invited to Leadership Institute 2021 for inspiration, practical ministry tools and proven strategies to strengthen your church and your own leadership. Register for this event


Welcoming Afghan Allies and Friends (Church World Service)


Church World Service (CWS) is hosting a call for clergy and judicatory/regional/conference leaders to hear how faith communities can partner with CWS to welcome our Afghan allies and friends. This […]
