$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (NCC LSM)


This course is offered by the Beacon District Lay Servant Ministries Team on August 14th. It will be held virtually (via ZOOM) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm that day. This […]


$ Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (NCC LSM)


This course is offered by the Beacon District Lay Servant Ministries Team on August 14th. It will be held virtually (via ZOOM) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm that day. This […]


$ Methodist Identity: Our Story (BeADisciple.com)


What does it mean to be Methodist? In a series of half-hour videos from leading Methodist scholars, Justo Gonzalez leads students through an exploration of the 18th-century Wesleyan revival in England and the […]


$ A Life Worthy of the Gospel (BeADisciple.com)


How do Christians think and act faithfully in a complex and often ambiguous world? What models from Scripture and Church history might help us to live “lives worthy of the […]


$ Disciple Online for Anyone (BeADisciple.com)


Are you missing out on Bible study because of the pandemic? DISCIPLE Online, the online version of the life-changing Disciple, Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study, might be right for you. […]


$ Teach Adults (BeADisciple.com)


If you’ve ever wanted to improve your ability to guide adult learners through their faith development, this two-week interactive Discipleship Ministries-approved Lay Servant course is the way to do it! […]


$ How to Fill Your Pews! (ClergyEducation.com)


It’s the question on everyone’s minds: How do we get folks back in the fews after months away during the pandemic, and how do we attract seekers to become active […]
