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$ Planning for the Church Emergency (BeADisciple.com)

February 24 All day

Course Dates:

February 24 – March 14, 2025

We hope emergencies never come, but they are inevitable. By planning in advance, you minimize disruption, minimize damage, and may even save a life.

In this three-week course, we’ll review three major emergencies that your church might encounter, and how you can respond to each of them.  We will also look at why planning for emergencies as a church is not only important, but essential.

In the first week, we will explore some emergencies and offer ways to deal with them. We’ll cover fire & evacuation; medical emergencies; and an intruder or active shooter.

During the second and third weeks, you will work on emergency preparedness plans for your church. Each plan will need to be customized to each church — one size doesn’t fit all!  Throughout the last week of the course, the instructor — who has experience in fire, EMS, and HazMat training — will answer questions and offer advice on your plan to make it best it can be for your church.  We’ve added an extra week to this course to give you time to make all the necessary contacts in your church as you work on your plan.

At the end of the course, the goal is for you to have finished one emergency preparedness plan and be able to continue working on others.

In addition to Blackboard interactions, 1 optional Zoom meeting may be held on Friday at 1pm Eastern time. The meeting will not be recorded.

This course is eligible for 1.0 CEU.
