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Building a United Methodist Creation Just Movement (NCC Creation Care)

September 27, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Many of our churches engage in acts of mercy, creation care, and advocacy, but these actions are not enough to change the underlying system that is causing environmental injustice and climate chaos. We are up against powerful special interests and entrenched institutions that are invested (literally) in keeping things going along the current trajectory. Rev. Sharon Delgado will present this webinar about building a creation justice movement in the United Methodist Church and beyond. This involves joining forces with people of all faiths and philosophies to bring about the widespread cultural and institutional changes that are necessary to transition to a more compassionate, just, and ecologically regenerative world. In the words of climate organizer Bill McKibben, “The main way to counter the malign power of vested interests is to meet organized money with organized people.”

The Reverend Sharon Delgado is an ordained United Methodist minister, speaker, writer, organizer, and activist who has been working on climate justice and related issues for over 30 years. She is on the Coordinating Committee of the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement and is the Cal-Nevada Climate Justice Ministries Coordinator. Her newest book is The Cross in the Midst of Creation: Following Jesus, Engaging the Powers, Transforming the World. Previous books include Love in a Time of Climate Change:  Honoring Creation, Establishing Justice (2017) and Shaking the Gates of Hell:  Faith-Led Resistance to Corporate Globalization (2007, 2020). Sharon’s blog, Progressive Christian Social Action, is at sharondelgado.org
