At the intersection of faith and art, a new documentary called Theirs Is The Kingdom follows the rare creation of a fresco mural painted inside the sanctuary of Haywood Street […]
Summertime Small Groups & Book Clubs
Does your small group take a break during the summer? What if you changed to a book club format and met less often to discuss a book you had all […]
Learn about the Israel-Palestine Conflict
The NC Conference Media Center keeps a collection of resources related to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Borrow these books or DVDs to increase your understanding of the current […]
ICYMI: Group Studies Published during Quarantine
Did your small group take a break when the quarantine began last year? Think of all of the new group studies that were published during that time that you may […]
Celebrating Asian American Authors
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. We are highlighting books in our collection written by Asian American authors to honor their significant contribution to the work of […]
Are You Moving? 9 Resources for Church Transitions
Are you moving to a new appointment? Is your church getting a new pastor? Use these resources to help make a successful transition for you, your church, and your family. […]