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What is the role of laity to lead in this time?
As laity in your church, your role in shaping conversation and supporting your congregation’s ministry is vital, and we are here to support and equip you in your work. To […] Continue Reading→
Do You Believe North Carolina has a Human Trafficking Problem?
North Carolina is ranked ninth in the nation for human trafficking cases. Southeast North Carolina is particularly vulnerable due to the convergence of Interstate 40 with the I-95 corridor. Continue Reading→
Disaster Ministries Receives UMCOR Grant to Build Solar Power Trailer
In partnership with the Florida Conference, NC Conference Disaster Ministries was awarded a grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Environmental Sustainability Unit to build a mobile solar […] Continue Reading→
COVID Grant Program Ending in October
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NC Conference’s Council on Finance and Administration made relief money available to the Cabinet to help local churches with operational expenses and […] Continue Reading→
Yam Jam is Back!
Yam Jam is back! Come join the fun as we glean sweet potatoes to benefit local hunger relief organizations this fall! We will be gathering each Saturday in October from […] Continue Reading→
Once you have mastered reflective listening, you can move on to “looping”. Looping takes reflective listening one step further. When you “loop,” you repeat back in detail what the speaker […] Continue Reading→
ALEX Benefits Counselor Now Available!
The ALEX Benefits Counselor is an online tool to help current insurance plan enrollees and those considering enrollment find the HealthFlex medical/dental/vision insurance plans and health accounts that best fit […] Continue Reading→
The Church in Power
Lately, I have felt overwhelmed by the climate crisis that we are facing. The clock is ticking away, and we are running out of time to act, to change our […] Continue Reading→