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9/11 – 20 Years Later
I made the decision to write my reflection on 9/11 after letting my soul sink deeply into the morning uninhibited by the struggle of what to say. I needed to simply allow […] Continue Reading→
A Time of Welcome & Conversation with Bishop Fairley Sept. 19
September 19, 2021 at 4 pm Add this Event to Your CalendarApple | Google | Office 365 | Outlook We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 19 at […] Continue Reading→
Grace That Is Always Sufficient
In Bishop Fairley’s introductory message as our episcopal leader, he reminds us that God will provide a grace that is always sufficient to complete God’s good work in, among, and through us. Continue Reading→
connections: Be Blessed
As Bishop Ward completes her ministry with the NC Conference, she gives thanks and welcomes Bishop Leonard Fairley and his wife, Dawn, back to the conference. Continue Reading→
Navigating Ministry in Our Time: A Conversation with Bishop Easterling and Bishop Ward
Dear friends in Christ, Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Women in ministry and other interested friends are invited to join a conversation with Bishop […] Continue Reading→
connections: The Gifts of All Clergy
Bishop Ward shares the significance of broken pottery to clergywomen in the Southeastern Jurisdiction and invites all to join an anti-racism conversation on August 31. Continue Reading→
Shepherding Your Congregations Faithfully and Wisely
Dear United Methodist friends, Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. – III John 2 As the […] Continue Reading→
connections: Even a Sparrow Finds a Home
In a time of great sadness and despair, Bishop Ward reminds us of Psalm 84 and that we are held in God’s comforting strong arms. Continue Reading→
connections: Walking with Children & Teachers
As summer winds down and our children return to school, we renew our commitment to the children, teachers, staff, and administrators in public schools. Continue Reading→