Annual Conference 2021
June 16-18
June 16, 10 am
Virtual Clergy Session
June 16, 12 pm
Virtual Laity Session
June 17, 10 am
Virtual AC Session
Watch the archived sessions at the links below.
Wednesday, June 16
10 am: Clergy Executive Session
12 pm: Laity Executive Session
Thursday, June 17
10 am: Opening Worship & Memorial Service
Download the Order of Worship (PDF).
10:50 am: Morning Plenary Session
- Welcome & Ordering
- Election of Conference Officers
- Celebration of Mission & Ministry
- Christian Unity
- Celebration of Laity Ministries
- Conference Delegation Update
1:15 pm: Afternoon Plenary Session
- Recognition of 2020 Retirees
- Financial Reports
- Recognition of 2021 Retirees
- Cabinet Witness
- Nominations Report
- Special Offering
- Setting of Appointments
- Honoring Bishop Hope Morgan Ward
- Closing & Sending Forth
Friday, June 18
Download the Ordination Bulletin (PDF).
10 am: Ordination Service (Corridor/Capital)
- Brittany Absher-Baer
- Crystal Oneyke DesVignes
- Prentis Harris III
- Allison DeLargy Lancaster
- Christopher Vogle Leak
- Eric Walker Prenshaw
- Elizabeth Calvert Reynolds
- Molly Brock White
- Ashley Beech Will
- Gloria Winston
12 pm: Ordination Service (Capital/Beacon/Heritage)
- Janet Kay Baucom
- Jason Buie Darden
- David Lowell Joyner, Jr.
- Christopher Marc O’Neal
- Eric Douglas Packard
- Christina Eileen Parrish
- Alma Delia Tinoco Ruiz
- Kevin Hugh Seymour
- Cara Lea Thompson
- Jason Robert Villegas
2 pm: Ordination Service (Fairway/Capital)
- David Benjamin Adams
- James Jackson Bolyard III
- Adam Edward Charville
- Jarrod Seth Davis
- Alan Phillips Felton
- Thomas Michael Hallberg
- Aaron Michael Hayworth
- Patrick Olin Jones
- Tyler Godshalk Muller-Yoder
- Lucas Breading Nelson
4 pm: Ordination Services (Harbor/Gateway/Sound)
- Adam David Ross Baker
- Jack Allen Colenda
- Laura Adele Goldenbaum-Yang
- James Roy Hilburn
- Seyun Hwang
- Patrick Edward Keely
- Sunny Baek Limm
- Gypsie Moore Murdaugh
- Alexander John Parker
- Karl Alan Zorowski
How to Participate
Learn about how to participate in and watch Annual Conference.
Lay & Clergy Members
As a voting member, you will need a username and password for this year’s Annual Conference. Learn how to access the Lumi platform.
Viewers & Guests
You can watch Annual Conference via our website, live.nccumc.org, or via the NC Conference app. No login required!
Latest Updates
Ordination Services Held on Friday
Four ordination services were held on Friday, June 18 at Fuquay-Varina UMC. Thirty-eight elders and two deacons were ordained. Because of COVID precautions, the group was divided into four smaller […] Continue Reading→
Bishop’s Retirement Celebration – June 17
On the occasion of her last Annual Conference, Bishop Hope Morgan Ward was honored as she moves toward retirement on Sept. 1. The celebration began with video messages from persons […] Continue Reading→
UMCom Honors Derek Leek with the Epikoinonía Award
During the afternoon session, the Rev. Gary Henderson, Chief Relationship Officer for United Methodist Communications (UMCom), joined by video to present the Epikoinonia Award to Derek Leek, conference director of […] Continue Reading→
2020 and 2021 Retirees Honored
On Thursday afternoon, Sheila Ahler, chair of the Conference Board of Pension, recognized the following persons who entered retired status in 2020 and in 2021. Class of 2020Danny Allen, John […] Continue Reading→
Thursday Afternoon Business Session
Recognition of 2020 and 2021 RetireesRev. Sheila Ahler, chair of the Board of Pension, led the recognition of 2020 and 2021 retirees. Financial ReportsDr. Christine Dodson, Conference Treasurer, introduced the […] Continue Reading→
Thursday Morning Business Session
Welcome & OrderingBishop Ward called the Annual Conference session to order and opened with prayer. Conference Secretary Jerry Bryan welcomed members of the conference to this gathering. He thanked the […] Continue Reading→
Opening Worship/Memorial Service
Order of Worship The Rev. Edie Gleaves offered the message, “A Well-Watered Garden” based on the Annual Conference scripture – Isaiah 58: 11. The following clergy and clergy spouses were […] Continue Reading→
AC 2021: Updates & Information
As we anticipate gathering at 10 am tomorrow for the 2021 Annual Conference session, here are things that may help you prepare to fully participate in the sessions. The Lumi […] Continue Reading→
AC 2021 – What To Expect
We invite you to join Annual Conference 2021 virtually on Thursday, June 17, from 10 am until 3:30 pm. Watch the livestream at live.nccumc.org or in the NC Conference app. Continue Reading→
A Message from Bishop Hope Morgan Ward
“The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.”
– Isaiah 58:11
This strong promise of God will be the scriptural focus for the 2021 Annual Conference Session. We acknowledge the parched places in our lives, in our nation, and our world. We are disappointed that pandemic projections prevent safe indoor gatherings in June. However, we are God’s people, bound together, trusting God’s promises and provision.
The 2021 Session of the Annual Conference will be virtual, using a platform to allow interaction in our worship, celebration, and decision-making. We will work to help all lay and clergy members engage and participate fully. The Rules Committee is working to formulate conference rules for this unique session.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will we have Annual Conference?
A voting session of Annual Conference will begin at 10 am on Thursday, June 17, 2021, through a virtual meeting platform. The Clergy Executive Session will be held online at 10 am on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. A series of small ordination services will occur on June 18, carefully planned for the safety of 2020 and 2021 ordinands and their families. Each service will be livestreamed and recorded, and clergy colleagues, congregations, and friends will have access to view the ordination services.
What will be done during the virtual session?
The virtual session will include worship, celebration, and the essential business of the North Carolina Conference. Items that need to be voted on to continue the ministry of the Annual Conference will be brought for a vote on June 17.
How might I participate or contribute to the virtual worship and celebration of the conference?
Contact Jay Locklear (jlocklear@nccumc.org) with your ideas and your contributions.
What will we vote on during the virtual session?
We will vote on items needed to be considered in order to continue the business of the Annual Conference. These items will include Conference Rules and the reports of the Council on Finance and Administration, Board of Pension, Insurance Committee, Commission on Equitable Compensation, and Nominations.
What if I have a question during the virtual session?
Instructions will be provided during the virtual session on how to ask a question.
What if I want to make an amendment?
There will be options through the electronic meeting format to make amendments, ask questions, and make motions. The intent is to allow for full participation in the parliamentary process through the electronic format.
How will I get more information about what I am voting on?
Items being brought for vote will be included in the Conference Workbook. Informational sessions will be held online the week prior to the Annual Conference Session. This will give more information and answer questions on proposals.
How will we honor those who have passed away during the past two years?
A memorial service honoring those who died in the past two years will be part of the online meeting.
Will this affect the appointment of clergy?
This will not change the appointment of clergy or have any impact upon the compensation of clergy. The appointments of clergy for 2021-2022 will be set in the June 17 virtual session.
What about the retiree recognition?
All 2020 and 2021 retirees will be recognized during the online meeting on June 17.
Will there be a retiree luncheon?
Due to implications from COVID-19, a retiree luncheon will not be held in June 2021.
How do we handle resolutions?
Our virtual session will not include resolutions this year.
Will we elect the Conference Secretary, Statistician, Treasurer, and Chancellor?
In accordance with The Book of Discipline, the Conference Secretary, Statistician, and Chancellor will be elected this Annual Conference. The Conference Treasurer will be elected at the 2022 Annual Conference. The persons currently in those positions will continue to serve until the next election whether in 2021 or 2022.
How will we approve our rules?
The Rules Committee has proposed rules for this unique session. We will use an online ballot to vote on the conference rules. See the voting instructions.
Will we receive special offerings and if so, what will be our process?
We will invite and receive a special offering during Annual Conference. Offering details will be announced prior to Annual Conference.
Will we receive ministry reports, updates, and plans for 2021-22?
The opening service of worship and the conference agenda will include ministry celebrations and plans. Ministry reports, updates, and plans are continually posted on the conference web page.