NCCUMC Youth Week!
We invite you to NCCUMC Youth Week! Our theme is Salts of the Earth. Scripture tells us that “[we] are the salt of the earth”. We’ll spend time at Youth Week using this powerful image to explore and connect to all the ways we spread the word of God and share our faith with the world around us.
NCCUMC Youth Week offers the opportunity for youth spiritual development and forming christ-centered relationships.
- Youth week will include:
- Youth-led Worship
- Small Groups
- Dance and Movie Night
- Talent Show
- Mission Night
- Election of Youth Leadership
- Legislative Affairs
- A chance for youth to have an official voice on relevant and current issues in the world around them, invoking change.
We look forward to seeing you at NCCUMC Youth Week!

July 11-16, 2022
Students who have completed 6th through 12th grade.
North Carolina Wesleyan College
3400 N Wesleyan Blvd
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
$285; $40 non-refundable deposit
Students can come to NCCUMC Youth Week with their youth group, or as an individual. We encourage youth leaders from the local churches to join us in staffing this event, but youth are not required to have a leader attend with them. Lay and Clergy volunteers from all over the conference join together to staff Conference Youth Events, if you’d like to staff this year fill out the Adult Staff Application. If you have any questions about staffing feel free to reach out to Julia or Lydia.
Meet Overall Deans
Julia and Lydia have been friends for years and both grew up attending Conference Youth events. Between the two of them they have Deaned 8+ youth events and have 10+ years of youth and children’s ministry experience. Julia Royall Johnson is the Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries at Ann Street UMC in Beaufort, NC. Lydia Cauley is the Director of Children’s Ministries at Aldersgate UMC in Durham, NC. If you have questions please feel free to reach out to them using the emails below.